Mxua.Com - Earn 4$ per 1000 Downloads & Unlimited for FREE - Minimum 5$ Daily Payment

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Welcome to WJ , pls move italy in tires B , I would like to know if you count all downloads generated by 1 single ip? and there is a limit to the gain downaload generated by a single ip?
i mean were is the new hosters like 10 dollers minimum or 20 dollers payout but 4 dollers i would raver sit on ultramegabit and get paid 10 dollers then 4
Papua New Guinea = Rank 1 !

this made my day :cough:

Cant agree more.

I have nothing against the host, but when you look at the table, its in a way pretty bad for uploaders.

Look at it, spain, france and some very important countries in group c, i have never seen these countries in any host ever,in group c

then countries like zimbabwe, bermuda, new guinea,nigeria and others which have very less population and internet users are in good tier.

In many senses its a very bad rates for uploaders let alone the 4$ per 1000.

between i have no disrespected for nigeria and other mentioned countries, i love all countries !
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Country table looks weird.
Zimbabwe and Nigeria in tier B? These are normally shit tiered countries.

Porn allow?

How long you keep files after last download?
is a new site and important is to have more views and to pay.
others things are not important.
here speak about money and views not about design

ammm . we do our best at this time .

Welcome to WJ , pls move italy in tires B , I would like to know if you count all downloads generated by 1 single ip? and there is a limit to the gain downaload generated by a single ip?

we are do the best now .

and about count 1$ per 1000 download with same IP
Check PM, Welcome To WJ BTW :)

Replyed .

i mean were is the new hosters like 10 dollers minimum or 20 dollers payout but 4 dollers i would raver sit on ultramegabit and get paid 10 dollers then 4

you are welcome , thanks for your replay .

Added after 9 minutes:

You count multiple download with 1 IP ?
Porn allowed ?

yes we count 1$ for the same IP and 24 hours .

no we are sorry we dont agree that kind of files.

Papua New Guinea = Rank 1 !

this made my day :cough:

at this time we do our best ratio for this country .

Cant agree more.

I have nothing against the host, but when you look at the table, its in a way pretty bad for uploaders.

Look at it, spain, france and some very important countries in group c, i have never seen these countries in any host ever,in group c

then countries like zimbabwe, bermuda, new guinea,nigeria and others which have very less population and internet users are in good tier.

In many senses its a very bad rates for uploaders let alone the 4$ per 1000.

between i have no disrespected for nigeria and other mentioned countries, i love all countries !

you are welcome and many thanks to your review .

It's this a support thread? Sent a PM about 24 hours ago and no should at least respond to PM's


Country table looks weird.
Zimbabwe and Nigeria in tier B? These are normally shit tiered countries.

Porn allow?

How long you keep files after last download?

we do our the best at this tome for this country .

no we are sorry we dont agree that kind of files and the files is delete after 60 days with last downloads
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