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just login to multiupfile => click reupload button, it will take care.
Yes, just with a single push of button, it will reupload to billionuploads/hugefiles and your old dead links will replaced with live links

But you need premium for Reupload :) you're a free user, so not able to reupload now.

Thanks for adding fileparadox in and mightyupload it :)


Guys please send your request via contact us page to this host, may be he is busy in reply, but if the request is important means, he update quickly..

i requested fileparadox/mightyupload before 4 days, now they added it
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send him the detail, where you share multiupfile link, and explain few things..
they will add if it meet their requirements.

if you planned to share original filehost link means, they know how to ban guys.

Added after 2 Days 22 Hours:

---> added uploadINC :)

---> billionuploads fixed.

i will inform the admin about adding ryushare.
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Please add Tusfiles and 4upfiles....

Added after 7 Days 20 Hours:

Can i have a premium account? Thanks...

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this is bloody awesome this guy got brians to do this one click and uploads to all hosts over mirror sites limits u to 12 max

@multiupfile can i have premium user ps2gameman
you need 10000 to payout which i wouldent personaly some people can get 10000 in a month just i upload to lot of hosts and this can save me posting loads of links can just be one and they can choose which people like
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