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Can you please add please?
*hint* Uploadship's Admin is kinda active on WJ too.
Have to reject it. They asking for 500$ for API access. Dunno if I really need to pay them lol

OK thanks.

BTW is it possible or you to add "remember me on this computer"? Yesterday, I upped a file thinking I was logged in...
Also, I have to type my email address every time I have to re-log in (apparently, Chrome doesn't remember the auto-fill data on your site anymore).

Fixed login/logout issue.

Users will now remain login until they logout or there ip changes.

haha 500 bucks. That's a bargain.

Thanks for "remember me" feature.

As fro MFM being slow. Yesterday was kinda weird as I had to wait up to 5 mins to see the files uploaded on all the hosts which had never happened before.
Today is back to normal.
As fro MFM being slow. Yesterday was kinda weird as I had to wait up to 5 mins to see the files uploaded on all the hosts which had never happened before.
Could be because of 300+ files going out at same time.

Site Update:

Improved uploading process.
I think I've finally managed to upload a file via FTP to Google Drive using MFM.
However, there's a random prefix (just numbers)+the actual file name.
e.g 16363847439484FILE_NAME
Is there a way to get rid of it?

Also, I entered 8 links but still getting an error "enter not more 10 links"
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However, there's a random prefix (just numbers)+the actual file name.
e.g 16363847439484FILE_NAME
Is there a way to get rid of it?
We will look into this.

Also, I entered 8 links but still getting an error "enter not more 10 links"
Will check this today.

Could you please add

Sadly was also requested by few members so not possible atm.
Multifilemirror is one of the best mirroring services around , if not the best one.
We are in co-operation since years and never had a problem.
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