Selling Multi-Poster Blend - Create/Reply/Edit + More

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Active Member
The Multi-Poster Blend is the 6th version of the Multi-Poster series. With tools and management features to maintain your topics:

  • Distribute to up to 250 forums at the same time.
  • Reply to topics.
  • Edit topics.
  • LinkBot Checker checks all created topics and replies.
  • TrashCan ability / Notify upon dead links.
  • Synchronize Private Messages.
  • Native Topic Preview.
  • IMDB Grabber.
  • Automatic Register ability.
  • Area ID grabber ability.
  • Captcha bypass via or manual entry via popup.
  • Random Question Database.
  • Template Checker.
  • Unique forum style layout for super-easy use.






The multi-poster blend has the ability to distribute up to 250 topics at the same time in as little as 4 seconds. You have the ability to create and reply to topics, and edit them. Since the application is essentially designed very much like a regular forum, doing these tasks is as simple as it would be on a regular web-based forum! All changes made are then applied to all of your created threads in a single click.

You have the ability to check all links on every topic and reply from within the application. The application will leave a message in your inbox if it finds any dead links, or even send the topic to the TrashCan forum.

In a single-click you have the ability to synchronize your private messages on all added forums, letting you know how many PM's you have on each site.

Most topic distribution applications allow you to preview the topic by converting the BBCode to HTML, and showing you via a browser. The multi-poster blend has an in-built application-native previewer, which is less resource intensive. You are able to switch between the previewer and topic editor seamlessly from one to the other in the click of a button. Since the application also features a topic validator, it will ensure that all BBCode tags are closed properly, ensuring your topics and replies aren't broken.

The in-built IMDB grabber allows you to quickly obtain all necessary information from IMDB without having to leave the application. It also has the ability to format the results in a neat and tidy manner and paste it into your topic in a single click.

The Area ID grabber and auto-register ability make creating templates extremely easy, saving you from having to constantly leave the application to grab information.

The multi-poster has the ability to bypass captcha/random questions automatically via or manually via a popup. The in-built random database remembers all random questions, and will automatically answer them for you if the same question appears.

And More! Customer feedback is always welcomed. Thousands of users are already using the application and suggesting ideas every day. With the simplicity and familiarity of the forum-based setup, ideas and implementing ideas are quick and easy!

Payment Page:

Price: £9.99 GBP (Single-User license)
Payments via: PayPal, Google Checkout, Credit Card, etc.

If you have any questions, you can contact us here:

Jayfella / ExtremeCoderz
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You need to contact bmtmicro as described in the rejection email. I have spoken to them regarding this issue and they stated that you must contact them to confirm you wish to make the purchase.
wtf, i pay two times becosue you tell me to try again.....and now what i going to do?

Added after 52 minutes:


Dear ***** **** *****,

Thank you for purchasing Multi-Poster Single User License

Your order has been processed and billed. The Product's Registration information will be sent to you by the developer.

Please allow up to 48 hours to receive your information.

Contact the developer at for technical support
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great, waiting, i am impatient =)

Added after 2 Hours 53 minutes:

How can i know whicht tipe of forum is website if anywere says? like
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Added after 3 Hours 33 minutes:

can any one helpme please with the multiposter blend

see that i am trying to post in my forum:

look i am prety sure something i am doing wrong but i dont know and in the app's forum are not any usefull instrucions (are instruction for people with experience with this app who knows a lot of information that are not in any place in the tutorials)

The "tutorial" (and its subtutorials) at the first run of the app are so ligth. I think no one without previous knowledge can make a single and leeser multiple posts with those tutorials.

please, how can i make a post? can any one give me more large instructions? what i am doing wrong?

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Waiting refund of my money for unconformity, the app is so much complicated for me..... i will back to my prehistoric way to post. :'(

Added after 1 9 minutes:

paypal refund advice recived, thanks
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pikerones, just make your own templates. I'm sure that you downloaded or bought templates for MP4 that don't work in newer versions. MP Blend is a lot better than MP4 Why do you want to use old version? If you can choose between Ford and Ferrari, what do you take?
my mb blend get error all the time . I deleted all categories in Area , but every I close the App and start again , it also appears a categories names unsorted and 3 sub forum in it . why that ? help me to fix it !
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