Selling Multi-Poster Blend - Create/Reply/Edit + More

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The Multi-Poster Blend is the 6th version of the Multi-Poster series. With tools and management features to maintain your topics:

  • Distribute to up to 250 forums at the same time.
  • Reply to topics.
  • Edit topics.
  • LinkBot Checker checks all created topics and replies.
  • TrashCan ability / Notify upon dead links.
  • Synchronize Private Messages.
  • Native Topic Preview.
  • IMDB Grabber.
  • Automatic Register ability.
  • Area ID grabber ability.
  • Captcha bypass via or manual entry via popup.
  • Random Question Database.
  • Template Checker.
  • Unique forum style layout for super-easy use.






The multi-poster blend has the ability to distribute up to 250 topics at the same time in as little as 4 seconds. You have the ability to create and reply to topics, and edit them. Since the application is essentially designed very much like a regular forum, doing these tasks is as simple as it would be on a regular web-based forum! All changes made are then applied to all of your created threads in a single click.

You have the ability to check all links on every topic and reply from within the application. The application will leave a message in your inbox if it finds any dead links, or even send the topic to the TrashCan forum.

In a single-click you have the ability to synchronize your private messages on all added forums, letting you know how many PM's you have on each site.

Most topic distribution applications allow you to preview the topic by converting the BBCode to HTML, and showing you via a browser. The multi-poster blend has an in-built application-native previewer, which is less resource intensive. You are able to switch between the previewer and topic editor seamlessly from one to the other in the click of a button. Since the application also features a topic validator, it will ensure that all BBCode tags are closed properly, ensuring your topics and replies aren't broken.

The in-built IMDB grabber allows you to quickly obtain all necessary information from IMDB without having to leave the application. It also has the ability to format the results in a neat and tidy manner and paste it into your topic in a single click.

The Area ID grabber and auto-register ability make creating templates extremely easy, saving you from having to constantly leave the application to grab information.

The multi-poster has the ability to bypass captcha/random questions automatically via or manually via a popup. The in-built random database remembers all random questions, and will automatically answer them for you if the same question appears.

And More! Customer feedback is always welcomed. Thousands of users are already using the application and suggesting ideas every day. With the simplicity and familiarity of the forum-based setup, ideas and implementing ideas are quick and easy!

Payment Page:

Price: £9.99 GBP (Single-User license)
Payments via: PayPal, Google Checkout, Credit Card, etc.

If you have any questions, you can contact us here:

Jayfella / ExtremeCoderz
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You can import the text file one by one. You cannot mass-import them. This is not the thema-poster. It was not designed to make spamming easy, it was designed as a professional tool.
I am planning to buy this one, does it automatically deliver the software to payment email? I have a laptop and a desktop, can I use in both (not in same time) the same license?

Just made the payment using Alertpay. Waiting for the delivery.
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It is not sent instantly, it is sent to the payment email address after all fraudulent checks are complete. As long as you are not sharing it, you can use it however you prefer. The multi-poster blend works in turkey, yes.
Thanks for the fast reply. I have edited my post because it also stopped working on previous builds. Everything looks like when it was working so I don't get it?


I'll copy my old settings from another computer I have worked with, hopefully that'll work.

Edit 2:

I've tried almost everything know but can't get it to work, ill send you a pm with screenshots etc.
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I have never used a tool to create threads so I have only 3 questions:

1) After creating the thread it saves the url?
2) It has the option to choose different topic icons and also select 'instant email on new replys' on forums that support this function?
3) Can i edit any thread if i have the links or only the threads created by this tool.
Dear jayfella,
I've got MP Blend.
How to import topics from text file?( I mean, multiple topics)
And what is the format of this text file should be?
Thanks for your quick reply.
It seems like we couldn't add more topics to a text file and import it.
I think this function is really important. We'll not waste time to import topic by topic
I just want to show you an proposal for this new function:
In one text file:

[title]This is the first topic[/title]
[content]This is the first content[/content]

[title]This is the second topic[/title]
[content]This is the seconde content[/content]

If User create an text file like this, MP Blend can import this file with multiple topics.
Best regards.
I haven't used Multi-Poster in a really long time, but seeing new features here I just wanted to see it myself.

Auto register is working awesome, and that ID grabber is really making things alot easier. Edit posts is also very nice, works perfectly.
I don't know if dead links works properly since I have only one post and links are still online, but still, awesome.
IMDB grabber... it's just what I needed before.
This is great update :)

One thing though, when copying info from IMDB, could you put imdb link under code tags? Or make it as an option?

Great work, I really like this :)
We are releasing a major update, which will be version 7. It will be pretty much the same layout as blend, except hyperz and I (jayfella) will be developing it. I can't say much at this moment in time, but will report on its progress when we are near completion.
yes. Well no, but we will provide a complete "updater" whereby it asks for the blend folder and everything will be taken care of.
I gave review earlier, but there is 1 problems which makes creating threads really slow.

I have to always go back and forth, create new topic, save it, double click on category, create new topic, save... etc
Then when my files are uploaded I have to open them all over again, save, double click...
And that becomes even more of a problem when you have bigger amount of topics, you have to click few times to get topics sorted by date, and that's not saved, so it has to be done every time.

Can you return that tab option for creating topics? It was much faster to use, this really takes time
aww bless. do you have to click your mouse a couple of times. awwwwww.

Come on. People are dying in the world of slave labour and you are worrying about clicking your mouse one more time than you normally would?

I'll see if I can add a "recent topics" list.
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In my opinion, Blend is hands down the best autoposter out there. I think it works great. The only major problems I had, I caused, But Jay helped me fix my probs. Thanx Jay and keep up the great work!
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