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I don't think it is possible to delete a sent thread,

Multi Poster 5 doesn't let you reply to threads what you haven't created using it but I shall show you a special trick, I'll make a tutorial on how to do so when I have some more time
what if i enter wrong captcha it wont post or will ask again
some times they r hard to read
now most of these forums got limit of posts per day or posts per 10 min
so i am simply ignoring errors
entering captcha's for final4ever n it allows only 15 posts per day :@

random question pops up for one forum which has answer field but no question lol

hey guys there is another auto-poster exist themaposter and i will say it's 100 times better than mp and they also accept payments through alertpay


Support is awesome
hey guys there is another auto-poster exist themaposter and i will say it's 100 times better than mp and they also accept payments through alertpay

Support is awesome

Meh, I prefer Jayfellas GUI but themaposter does look jam packed with stuff.

More on topic - the same happens to me when I reply to an existing thread, the application just shuts down. I would go report it @ extremecoderz but this doesn't really affect me as I don't use that option so if you want to get it fixed send a message to Jayfella on extremecoderz and he should fix it in no time.
some times captcha's are really hard to read,so if i enter wrong one it willl ask again or will not post?cant i just refresh captcha some how like we can do on the forum while posting manually
Muti Poster 5 info

Can someone post the download link to a cr4cked MP5..
Or can you share your license ...

i can't afford to buy it..
so i need help from you people..
PM me if possible
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