Selling Multi poster 5 Templates + Register in Forums

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Hi I am offering cheap and reliable service on Registering in Forums +Templates For MP 5. :)

Here are the packages:

All Are with template in .ep4 format so you could easily restore in your MP

Templates only (without Forum Accounts)

100 Templates = 2.50$
200 Templates = 4.5$
300 Templates = 6.5$

Templates (with Forum Accounts)

100 Forums + Temp = 10$
200 Forums + Temp = 16$
300 Forums + Temp = 22$

Payment Alertpay , Libertyreserve , PayPal OR WEBMONEY

You have to Pay Advance 30% Before starting the Work And remaining Amount After Work Is Done.

PM me For more information

some review for member

purchased 300 templates all of them working and all of them epic/old/wanted forums!

i vouch for this guy and his service thanks alot mate :)

smooth transaction ^_^

Trusted Person:)

trusted user :)

got 100 templates ordered

Thank you

thanks max. temps received. will check it out now.
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okey you want advance i will give you but the problem is

you registered in january, i don't think you're active in WJ,
2nd thing, yes i will pay you via alertpay but i must wait for some time

and 3rd thing, what are the forums you gonna register in? i mean different or what? because i got many forums i will show you the screenshot

see the thread i posted the pic here mate

okey you want advance i will give you but the problem is

you registered in january, i don't think you're active in WJ,
2nd thing, yes i will pay you via alertpay but i must wait for some time

and 3rd thing, what are the forums you gonna register in? i mean different or what? because i got many forums i will show you the screenshot

see the thread i posted the pic here mate


I will Pm you now :)

i m intrested in this

but i cant pay upfront

Pm sent :)
Need 300 Forums a/c's + Templates.

No porn forum templates needed.

Catogries ID- Tvshows,Movies,Games, Console games,Music Ebooks is a must.

Will pay advance. Rest after checking the completed templates..
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