Money Reversed Today To Elite Haxor Account

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well, to be honest, this is what you get for doing business with n00bish webmasters (not the regular n00bz tho, the idiot ones) and with ppl whose nicknames hav hack/hax/wateva.

Hope everybody has learnt their lesson.
You are wrong. The elite guy has done several deals, and he's trusted.
Champs of Champs thinks elite paid with hacked money because his PP got limited.
You know i had received hack money before, and to tell you the truth it is possible, people do hack paypal accounts and use that to pay you, but then they will limit your account and put the money on hold, I had received threats from the real owner of the paypal account which was hacked and she was going to sue me lol, dont say it's not possible cuz it is possible to pay someone with a hacked account.

Lol here's what i mean.!! So be careful who you receive money from because all the blame could go to you.

This is pretty old copy I saved when i was trying to get sued, but here's an example of what I'm trying to tell a few of you.

From: Adam
Sent: Wed 6/10/09 11:58 AM To:

no shit, what else will paypal do? i also have a statement that i refunded you, so good luck with your good lawyer, lol you make me laugh kid, so try bothering someone else and hey good luck if you actually win the case lol. it will be a miracle if you do win lol.

Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 05:32:08 -0700
Subject: RE:
To: Adam

I already have a good were the only one digging around my account...going to the bank this morning...they will do all the leg work for wrote to me, and I still have the e-mail, that you put the money back in...that is not true..spoke with the bank yesterday and they put it back in...

--- On Tue, 6/9/09, Adam wrote:

From: Adam
Subject: RE:
Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 10:21 PM

well good luck on getting a good lawyer lol, your just so funny trying to scam PPl. You might want to get a lawyer, cuz am the one that is going take a legal action against you, for fraud and scamming.

Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 11:43:54 -0700
To: Adam

Just got all of my banking info and it turns out that you did in fact take my money...I do plan on filing formal charges against you..
guys What i said Earlier To all of u that Elite Will make a New story.
Elite I still not sell my backup.
If u want to Return my domain then its ok otherwise keep it in your home.
I m not gonna beg u .
I can make the site again
I m a hardworker not like a scammer and Fraud And cheater . These types of Quality ppls will find in only you.

Now i dont want any comments from you.
Keep the domain And Enjoy and Dont waste my time and mess with me again Bcoz i Fed up with u and ur stupid talk.

You are wrong. The elite guy has done several deals, and he's trusted.
Champs of Champs thinks elite paid with hacked money because his PP got limited.

Yeah Prohaxor What ever he did with me now paypal Reversed his money so now whats the matter? Now which story he gonna start?
if he has his money and doesn't return your domain this makes him the scammer not you can't believe this is still going on :(
guys What i said Earlier To all of u that Elite Will make a New story.
Elite I still not sell my backup.
If u want to Return my domain then its ok otherwise keep it in your home.
I m not gonna beg u .
I can make the site again
I m a hardworker not like a scammer and Fraud And cheater . These types of Quality ppls will find in only you.

Now i dont want any comments from you.
Keep the domain And Enjoy and Dont waste my time and mess with me again Bcoz i Fed up with u and ur stupid talk.

Yeah Prohaxor What ever he did with me now paypal Reversed his money so now whats the matter? Now which story he gonna start?

your a retard and your clearly about 10 years old, nothing to do with me why your pp got linited as i explained 100 times but your just a completeley ignorant person who doesnt listen and just keeps repeating the same shit over and over and ive had enough of you.

I will return the domain only when you get someone to contact me that doesnt constantly abuse me and accuse me of things i havent done, im not even doing anything with the domain atm
your a retard and your clearly about 10 years old, nothing to do with me why your pp got linited as i explained 100 times but your just a completeley ignorant person who doesnt listen and just keeps repeating the same shit over and over and ive had enough of you.

I will return the domain only when you get someone to contact me that doesnt constantly abuse me and accuse me of things i havent done, im not even doing anything with the domain atm

i m not abusing to u I got fedup with this .

Check ur pm and Return My Domain.

It will be great help for me.
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