Experience and a deep research in the scope of cryptocurrency gave us an opportunity to develop in-house browser mining script (JS and PHP) and build an advanced mining system, through which bloggers, forum owners, brands, organizations, etc. can MONETIZE their audience in a completely new way and get extra profit! Their visitors run the miner directly in a browser and mine XMR for a site owner, for example, in turn for an ad-free experience or whatever incentives you want.
Miner.Ad works fine with any type of traffic from any device.
The Miner.Ad team looks for partnership if you are:
- owner of website;
- owner of browser extension;
- media-buyer to share traffic via LP;
- owner of clickunder/popunder ads networks;
- owner of device(s) for mining (PC, laptop, mobile, tablet, even SmartTV)
- First month of partnership - COMMISSION FREE, 100% Profit! Next month 80-90% profit, the rest are used to operate and develop our service;
- Advanced secure on AV detecting and Adblock skip (domains rotation);
- CPU load adjustment;
- Compatible with browser extensions;
- Easy integration;
- Detailed statistics;
- Local miner;
- Landing pages for traffic sending (redirects)
- The main mining coin is Monero (XMR) - a secure, private, untraceable currency;
- Our own pools for cryptocurrency-mining with no additional fee, what allows to make default profit up to 2-5%;
- Our own pools physically located in the one datacenter in one local network, what allows to decrease network ping and increase profit up to 10-15%;
- Honest calculating of your profit: hash_quantity*hash_cost;
- Payouts on requests to BTC, XMR, ETN, WMR, Paypal and so on, minimum $5;
Due to each of these improvements of our system, it has almost no analogs
To start you just need to REGISTER
For affiliates:
- Add your Site and get JS miner script code
- Paste this code into your site/extension/LP
- Get profit!
- Add your Site
- Press "Start Mining"
- Get profit!
Miner.Ad video instruction
Looking forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
If you require any further information, feel free to contact us:
skype: live:anstasialebovski
skype: live:minerad.official
telegram: AnastasiaSupport
telegram: Andrey_Support
telegram: MinerAd_Denis
email: support@miner.ad
email: info@miner.ad
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