MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

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Sam I would again say that nothing wrong is going to happen in fact you are lucky person because you are facing trouble and getting strengthen day by day.

Don't lose hope and everything will be in your favor at last.
Sam I would again say that nothing wrong is going to happen in fact you are lucky person because you are facing trouble and getting strengthen day by day.

Don't lose hope and everything will be in your favor at last.

I know what you are trying to say me and what you want me to do and I will keep that in mind always..<3

Can Megashare send me payment in parts after March 1, 2011 if I earn more than $500 per month because I won't be able to receive more than $499 in one transaction in future. :(
I have asked this to Hitman also.

Is Magashare working for you?
I get a Server Not found error immediately as I click a link.

edit: working flawlessly now :)

Did happen to me as well..
It was a temporary issue..:)

Btw you spelled Megashare wrong...:P

I won't take that risk..:)
I would rather take some legal steps :)
Hope you understand..8-)
Yes. 5800 :P
Since I asked for help, I made 3700 UDs (this is in 8 days). So if this month I work as hard as last week means I'd get more or less 14000 UDs :D
peanded Irshad

me check your rules and see this, lol, it's make me crazy and be mad if you ask me then.
check it out

  • We do not count bulk downloads, only unique downloads
  • We monitor ALL Affiliate accounts, those generating less than $20 per month may be suspended..!!!
LOL, you want to seeking who can be best with your affiliate program, and says goodbye to the other one. :'(
That's too bad guys, what the hell you wanna to says about that? it's sucks, i think. If you still keep it's going on your way, maybe you don't get much customers. i'm sorry to say that.
me check your rules and see this, lol, it's make me crazy and be mad if you ask me then.
check it out

  • We do not count bulk downloads, only unique downloads
  • We monitor ALL Affiliate accounts, those generating less than $20 per month may be suspended..!!!
LOL, you want to seeking who can be best with your affiliate program, and says goodbye to the other one. :'(
That's too bad guys, what the hell you wanna to says about that? it's sucks, i think. If you still keep it's going on your way, maybe you don't get much customers. i'm sorry to say that.
Did you understand what does it means exactly???

- Everyone counts unique downloads so do we.
- May be suspended not always:)

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Well I got the payment but really got unhappy this time..
I don't know what happened but I just got $180.60 for 47500 uniques :(
The rate per thousand downloads gone down to 3.8 from an average of 7-7.5 :(

I don't know what is happening with me...:'(
It looks like problems are being bombarded on me from every corner of the world :'(

I dont think payments have been sent to all the accounts, I have 2 accounts and i always get payments on both. I got 1 payment yesterday, the other is still not here.
This account is my abandoned account, and i got around 6000 uniques i think, maybe more, i dont even login to it anymore. I stopped uploading here( the abandoned account) 2 months ago but it has been giving me minimum payout all the time. This time i got 46$, last month it was 21$.
I've got my payment. Lesser this time but that's because I hardly posted any stuff since I'm occupied with school and whatnot. Overall, I'm satisfied with the payment.
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