MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

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I have studied Company Law for around 1 and a half years with some practice and it will be a hassle if you do not have proofs..(Keep in mind that I am calling myself as an expert) :P

And the question that you are saying will be asked by MS(s) DO NOT have any value in law because law need proofs which I suppose Megashare do have sufficient...:)

Well then, shouldn't you continue studying law for another two years and be a well known lawyer? ;-)

I still stand corrected. My point is if V2 is able to trump any other hosts, MegaShare will be known without having to pursue any legal matters. I'm sure they would have pursued this matter if they feel the need years ago.

So I need to wait for V2 to see them.

Thank you.

I have a premium account and you can see how many downloads you have for each file. Bear in mind, it's bulk downloads, not unique download. If i were you, i'd rather sign up for affiliate account. My take is, create an affiliate account and don't wait for V2.
So I need to wait for V2 to see them.

Thank you.

I suggest you not to wait..
Make another account (this time affiliate account) and start uploading...
After you have made a new account then just send a mail to Megashare Support with the details of both of your accounts so that they can send the payment combining the downloads in both of your accounts...:)

Remember: Make the new affiliate account with your paypal ID.

Thank You
Well then, shouldn't you continue studying law for another two years and be a well known lawyer? ;-)

I think you didn't read my story few pages back...
I didn't have an interest in studying...:P

I still stand corrected. My point is if V2 is able to trump any other hosts, MegaShare will be known without having to pursue any legal matters. I'm sure they would have pursued this matter if they feel the need years ago.

I will leave this in this hands of our Respected Director MegaLtd..

Hopefully he will comment on this so we can completely take this out of our mind..:)
no, I don't mean it.. user clicks Free Download and on next screen there are two buttons, Download and Get Direct Link..
so I ask if in V2 will Get Direct Link button will be available..

I hope it will :)
I don't think so because new sites have new features and this get direct link button won't be available there.
I know MegaShare is not a domain jacker but somehow I wish you guys can change your domain. People get confused between Megashare and the one with 's'. I know that's not possible. Just sayin'. :-)

I really hope you guys will trump Ms(s) once v2 is out. Here's wishing for the ultimate best!
Thanks for the best wishes and yes we'll blow them with our service and features.

However, our directors have suing option in their minds but after the launch of V2 and become successful enough in this industry.
Reached 10,000 uniques today .I started uploading almost 20 days ago >Both me and my users are loving megashares
Good work msplash!

Keep it up and reach 1000 unique a day:)
Where I can check how many total downloads I have?
On the profile page I see only my files but I can't find anywhere total downloads.
I would recommend you to create a new affiliate account with your paypal email during registration and as sam suggested, send me your both new and old account emails to send earnings from both account.

I think this is silly talk. I mean come onnn. Seriously...?

Even at the VERY highest level of websites, I think they decided to just focus on making the very best product they can. It's enough! E.g. I don't see google or twitter sueing or or vice versa LOL look those domains up they're real!!! I think Megashare should be focusing on "making the best product they can"
Btw. From what I've heard is even at the highest levels, it's mostly only the lawyers that win from court cases! And they can be highly unpredicatable!!!
I think this is silly talk. I mean come onnn. Seriously...?

Even at the VERY highest level of websites, I think they decided to just focus on making the very best product they can. It's enough! E.g. I don't see google or twitter sueing or or vice versa LOL look those domains up they're real!!! I think Megashare should be focusing on "making the best product they can"
Btw. From what I've heard is even at the highest levels, it's mostly only the lawyers that win from court cases! And they can be highly unpredicatable!!!

I suggested to sue because Megashare and MegashareS both offer similar services which does affect.

And the 2 url you gave do not relate to any original services provided by the original sites.
Whatever? I just want the best product possible and to be frank don't care about the other stuff. If people or a few forums think a plural came first LOL then it means Megashare just need to vastly improve their service so there is literally not even slight competition. At the end of the day, it's the web so someone can stick and S on a domain and make some money. That's the way it goes. And the real winner always on the web is the one with the best product. So here's hoping with V2 and then they win anyway! Why give lawyers some huuuge amounts, when they can win with the best product ......and......better in the pocket of affiliates like me and you :)
Whatever? I just want the best product possible and to be frank don't care about the other stuff. If people or a few forums think a plural came first LOL then it means Megashare just need to vastly improve their service so there is literally not even slight competition. At the end of the day, it's the web so someone can stick and S on a domain and make some money. That's the way it goes. And the real winner always on the web is the one with the best product. So here's hoping with V2 and then they win anyway! Why give lawyers some huuuge amounts, when they can win with the best product ......and......better in the pocket of affiliates like me and you :)

You mean we shouldn't fight for our right..???

And about the money, big companies already have a separate Law Department which handles all this stuff and are paid as per the pre-made contract and I believe Megashare have one..
So they do not need to hire a specific lawyer for a specific case...

Keep in mind that a slight mistake of not taking action can be very costly in future...

And who knows that MegashareS and others may even be making plans underground...
You cannot underestimate anyone and take things lightly..

Mark my words
"Even a Kid can damage
your plans if not taken care.."

This is my personal experience..<3
We were also expecting the V2 now but our tech department told there are some complex issues they have to deal so we are now waiting for final date from them.
Wow what's going on in Egypt is nuts. I have some Egyptian downloaders and have found the following which should be shared. It's not a total shutdown of the web "only" the 4 main ISP's.

"One of the very few exceptions to this block has been Noor Group (AS20928), which still has 83 out of 83 live routes to its Egyptian customers, with inbound transit from Telecom Italia as usual. Why was Noor Group apparently unaffected by the countrywide takedown order? Unknown at this point, but we observe that the Egyptian Stock Exchange ( is still alive at a Noor address.
Its DNS A records indicate that it's normally reachable at 4 different IP addresses, only one of which belongs to Noor. Internet transit path diversity is a sign of good planning by the Stock Exchange IT staff, and it appears to have paid off in this case. Did the Egyptian government leave Noor standing so that the markets could open next week?"
Updating my stats.
I'm getting 500-600 UD every day now.
I haven't upload anything today (1.30 PM here) and I've already got more or less 200 UD. :)
Current Count: 4933
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