- Advanced PPS (90% Sales / 50% Rebills)

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Yes,agree with lawina!
If you will be honest with uploaders,pay in time regularly,hold these rates,the site will be stable,then your site will grow fast.Very fast! :)
Now,the upload works fine via WEB,the download is OK,but later not sure.
Don't fall into that mistake to wait until your site slows down!( like some other hosts )

This is just a good advice! :)

More servers needed .... Remote upload get freez every time , NO upload true remote upload possible

The server are powerful enough to take up the loads. I think the problem lies with RU, We will looking into it now. Thanks for notifying..

Yes,agree with lawina!
If you will be honest with uploaders,pay in time regularly,hold these rates,the site will be stable,then your site will grow fast.Very fast! :)
Now,the upload works fine via WEB,the download is OK,but later not sure.
Don't fall into that mistake to wait until your site slows down!( like some other hosts )

This is just a good advice! :)


Thanks for the kind advice. Our FIRST priority is Uploaders since they are the ones who help us with traffic and sales. :)

Hi MBS Aff1 :) Upgrade my account please :P

User: RaperDsC


hi! please upgrade my account =)

user: thelukest

Upgrade my account to premium please

user: rafaelituz
Thank you

ACCOUNT Upgraded to premium..
I do not know why I did not get a premium. Sorry to repeat the request, but I'm going to change web hosting and I would like to start working with you now.
Please Upgrade my account.
Use name : plugthepig
est regards and successful debut.
cannot seem to get any sales.

my guess is 14$something is too high of a price, and 300KB dl for free users is too generous...just my 2 cents

We are getting sales from resellers hence you are not getting any sales. As requested before, please give us a weeks time so that we implement our NEW Credit Card Paygate from our bank and you may start getting good sales.

Furthermore, the Premium package pricing has been reduced because we were notified by our CA today that the service TAX amount is NOT applicable and need NOT be collected. The Package Pricing remains SAME but the Tax amount of 12.36% is removed. :)

Your account was banned by administrator. Why ?

user: mido066

It was a system auto-ban due to multi login or frequent IP change. I have uplifted the BAN on your account.
1、I can't request payout,but I already enter payment Info :
Enter Payment Info in you account settings
2、Not receiving security lock disable email.

My ID:i007,please fix it ASAP,thank you very much!
Last edited:
1、I can't request payout,but I already enter payment Info :
Enter Payment Info in you account settings
2、Not receiving security lock disable email.

My ID:i007,please fix it ASAP,thank you very much!

Please check the SPAM or JUNK folder for email. If you still can't find it then let me know soon.
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