and you cr8 a new email and activate it everytime ?
that is exhausting !
No, one email for all LOL
and you cr8 a new email and activate it everytime ?
that is exhausting !
and you cr8 a new email and activate it everytime ?
that is exhausting !
No, one email for all LOL
No, one email for all LOL
I remember MEGAUPLOAD used the same method many accounts one email !
is that true on MEGA ?
There a lot of good options for free users but downloaders won't understand dropping MEGA is affecting my posts, but it had to be done.
and you cr8 a new email and activate it everytime ?
that is exhausting !
No, one email for all LOL
No, one email for all LOL
Just tried it with Yahoo and Google mails
and they say user already exists
So you are wrong !
Just tried it with Yahoo and Google mails
and they say user already exists
So you are wrong !
If your email is abc@gmail.com
Then you can use abc+001@gmail.com, abc+002@gmail.com,... to register new mega account without register new email because all emails are same
I'm not wrong, don't say anything you're not sure.
They are running out of cash....
Operation Upload Very Slow
please fx
and they will become the next RapidShare
bye bye MEGA