Mediafree.Co Earn PPD And Referral Minimum 4$ Daily Payouts

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info from mediafree

Dear Uploader We are very sorry for the delay in payment We have a problem in the WebMoney account and will be resolved as soon as possible , all payment with Other payment methods send daily. Do not worry Thank you
I can't find out what do they mean with "we may be 2 or 3 uploader but not all we dont have enough money"
can someone explain that?
i haven't received any mail or message as stated above...


if u want to close ur site...

set ur minimum payout 1$ and

pls pay all our account balance and then close...
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How you want them to pay you if they don't have money? This is the reason for closing their site.]
EDIT: Question to everyone, Where you will move to?
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Hello mediafree uploaders.

at first i want to say all news about mediafree will close is Wrong and incorrect

our affiliate will not close never . and we pay all pending payment , paypal , perfect money , payza ,
we have problem with wemoney from 2 week ago.
this problem because our account suspend for 1 transcation from someone and we refund this transcation and wait webmoney support replay.
we will try to pay all webmoney pending within 2day.

all paypal , perfectmoney send daily - max 7days.

all webmoney who wont wait can contact mediafree support with new payment Methods

Thank you for understanding the situation

[TABLE="class: table"]
Please check payment Perfectmoney , user : paypal86

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