Mass MD5 Hash Changer v1.0

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i just download it, i will put it to the test with some mediafire reported links

change names with total commander
change MD5
...wait :)

thank you:sun:
Thank you

Awesome tool, man.
There seems to be just one free software out there for this: MD5 Hasher 1.0. But that one is a piece of shit, sometimes says that the MD5 was changed but it's still the same. Your software instad change the MD5s for real with just a click, it's amazing. The only thing that I didn't like is that it doesn't support drag&drop.
Anyway, here's another link to download the tool hosted in Google:

Thanks a lot. ;)
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i could be able to download it before but now when i try to download it i got an error from rapidshare Download permission denied by uploader.anybody can help?
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