Make your own NFO

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there are tons of these sites tht offer text/image ascii generators.. i would still like a app,or decent tutorial on making block ascii
thanks Raven,but i think thts more like the online generators.. im n00b at ascii.. but im thinkin it needs to be done in a dos box or something if ya want to create totally custom ascii,similar to wht release groups use
thanks man.. i found a forum a while back tht used to have alot of active ascii artists,seems its kinda died off tho .. dying art i think really :(
is there any active asci art guys out there that would do a job for me?(yn)
i used to ask in a notepad included in my uploads but i never got anyone come forward to help.:(
if theres anyone who can work asci magic please leave a comment or message me here or my local haunt at w-bb
thank you! :)
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