| Affiliate Rewards | Official Support Thread

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it looks there are many problems on the server and admin doesnt care
i will not register

Added after 4 Hours 20 minutes:

is there anybody who got paid?
and why 50 dollars ?? another scam??
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i've asked you 3 times via mial to cancel my account..i've not received any answer ..can u please provide it?

My account is:

Nothing wrong with the service ,apart the assistance (you just don't answer at all) i just can't upload anymore

Added after 23 Hours 34 minutes:

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Payments pending

Payments pending since:

April 2, 2014
April 23, 2014
April 27, 2014
May 5, 2014
May 17, 2014

Last paid on April 2, 2014

Is this host scam now?
leads from April without paying and the owner does not give any explanation to when it will be open this thread

please close this thread and let people know who have defaulted magnovideo
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