- Official Support Thread

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  • > 100Mb

    Votes: 113 38.4%
  • 50 - 100Mb

    Votes: 23 7.8%
  • 11 - 49Mb

    Votes: 45 15.3%
  • 1 - 10Mb

    Votes: 113 38.4%

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Failure To Connect To Web Server

Failure To Connect To Web Server
sorry think I broke it
I am unable to create a say you have reached maximum number for tickets? why?
Their main credit card processor is counting sales fine (tested by me 2 days ago)

The problem is their networking.The site is not avaible in several countries.
The credit card processor is taking a lot of time to process payment , and also have a small bug, but the sale is counted at the end.
Maybe a lot of users give up on buying because of this problems!
Autorebills looks like dont work at all!

The worst thing is that their support is verry bad, and they dont keep us up to date with the problems that they have.(Tickets system is useless, lumzechai here respond to 1 user from 100 posts)

Can you be lumzechai a little more active around here and tell us what is really happening?They way you act , for me looks like the end of this host!

This also could be scary when someone try to buy:

Definetly something is wrong with their system, their traffic is highly decreased:

We are waiting an answer from you lumzechai and tell us all what happens and when all will be fixed?
Let us know what is happening , for now i am stop posting with your host and a lot of uploaders already did that.In major forums and portals i see none links with you filehost in last week!
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yes ur absolutly right they having a lot a problems mostly in networking and tracking of sales
from last 2 days its very terrible
site loading faild but ftp is fine
daily getting referals but no sale and rebill
last nite nearly 200gb files are deleted
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Lumzechai i used Lumfile for 25 days and after 10000 downloads i got 0 sales.

I got back to the filehost that i was using before i use Lumfile and after 20 days i have got good sales.

I am posting in exactly the same forums and exactly the same content.

I never had 0 sales after 25 days in no filehost. This happened to me only with Lumfile.

I don't know if you cheat sales or if there is problem with tracking sales, but i am sure that it is not bad luck 1000%.

I really wanted to work with Lumfile but the shit stats made me go back to my old filehost.
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