LR Owner Arrested

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Damn this sucks.
I had a few dozens of $ in it :(
It was really nice payment gateway, at an exten better than webmoney due to its cheap fees, easy UI and due to its API.
It was my gateway to bitcoin, well I guess $#!T happens.

---------- Post added at 04:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------



Their nameservers points to which I think related to DDOS protection.

Doesn't load for me.
There DNS were already set on


That message means the server is completely offline, If it was a ddos attack it would give, Error Connecting ETC.


LOL FAIL you can not escape justice ^_^ dumbass's
blog is up and working but no current updates are posted.Last Update was on May 18th.They probably cripped now.

Yep true.....


anyway.. Libertyreserve was taken down by a known private security sector which is used by the united states which if you noticed is ShadowServer.

But as of now they are being ddos by stupid fucks who lost there LR money.

Your money is not going to be returned nor will you hear of it anytime soon until the court case is resolved and all the money is found if they even choose to return it.
But how come there blog is still accessible on many ip's? if it was taken down by fbi they should have put up that filthy court notice :/
i mean..
yeah yeah.. im out of hopes :'( i had money in there. alot of people had money in there. specially the exchangers. they just cant run away with it. lets sit and watch.

---------- Post added at 10:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 AM ----------


dude, there head office still operating or something? what did they said to ur bud. i mean the one who went over there??
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