Looking for Webmasters with Sites with PR

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Hi all,

I'm interested in finding webmasters looking to rent links on a monthly basis. You can set the price you will charge as well as the products you sell and which page you sell items on. The more pages you have on your site with pr the more you can earn. My system will gather stats on your site/page, manage your transactions, handle the customers credit card processing every month and bring in the customers.

Your domain name will not be provided to customers until after they have purchased the rental, at which time they will have one week to ask for a refund if they do not like your domain. This protects you from search engines that frown on link rentals and protects the customers from getting a lame site for their link rental.

DivvyWork is free to join and you will only pay if you earn money. The commission charged is 15% so if you offer a rental for $100 a month you would receive $85 every month the rental is on going. This is a MUCH better offer than you would receive at a traditional link brokerage system who could be renting your links for up to seven times the amount you are paid out.

See an overview of this link rental offer on DivvyWork. If you have any questions feel free to ask in this post or PM me.
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