Looking for VPS or Dedi With WHM or WHCMS

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Looking for VPS or Dedi With WHM

looking for a cheap vps or dedi.
I am looking to sell the space on it. This is my first time doing something like this so i dont want to spend a lot of money on it.

Has to be offshore and allows a lot to be hosted. (warezlinking, nulled scripts, porn, ect ect.

Uhm... Do you know what WHMCS is? WHMCS is completely different than WHM =/

As for "has to be offshore and allows a lot". -- What do you mean?

What exactly will you be doing with it?

What kind of specs / price range do you have in mind?

etc, etc.
Please post more information.

WHM & WHMCS (WHCMS, I believe your spellings are wrong) is not same thing.

WHM is Web hosting manager which is a product of cpanel.net
WHMCS is a billing software/script by www.whmcs.com

Both are different things, So, don't mix up both.

I believe, if you are new, you shouldn't go with VPS or Dedicated Server, I would like to recommend you to get a reseller plan.

PM me your requirements, I will give you good reseller deal.

Best Regards
What is your budget?

thank you, finally someone civilized.

instead of all of you just pushing your hosting companies, why not ask his budget and what exactly he wants to do.

from the sounds of it he justs wants to sell "space" not web hosting.
so possible warez? backups?

i'm sure none of you allow that =/
Stay Away From My365host ,a word of advice...

What does that have to do with anything?
1 - We don't offer VPS's
2 - Is there even any reason for stating that? Have we even ever hosted you?
I highly doubt that or you wouldn't be saying things like that.

*Reported* I really hope you get an infraction.
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