Shared Looking for shared hosting that ignores dmca notices

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you should look in the hosting section.

look for the hosts who have been around the longest, and have good reviews.

try to stay away from "newer" hosts who have been hosting or only a few months, or who as above say "try us".
As someone mentioned above, try Daring Host.
Our servers are located in Moscow, Russia.
We haven't had any DMCA's yet, nor problems with any of the sites we host.
We would be more then happy to host your site.
If you would like more information feel free to PM me.
daring Host is THE BEST

As someone mentioned above, try Daring Host.
Our servers are located in Moscow, Russia.
We haven't had any DMCA's yet, nor problems with any of the sites we host.
We would be more then happy to host your site.
If you would like more information feel free to PM me.

Friends ... :D

I am a customer of daring host and I am VERY happy with their ALL service them. :))

THE BEST offshore server in the world is this, I know I am client. ;)

The Up-Time is 100% the Support Team Besides being fast is very efficient and very polite. In really, all of the support team is one the GREAT Friend of us and the speed that it helps, is wonder.

I highly recommend because it is the BEST of ALL. :)) :)) :))

<3 <3 <3 I LOVE <3 <3 <3

Thanks and Kind Regards

lmao I love how the only vouch for DaringHost is a new member with one post, registered in February :p.

Anyways back to the main question, I've recently signed up with, they are in Lithuania. Truly safe and DMCA free, I've gotten no complaints and the support is super fast and friendly.
I would like to agree with Knight xD,

I would love to ask, how did he find this forum? Then posts this and leaves immediantly. Very intresting :P


Your welcome to try us:
We've been in the hosting business for 9 months :)
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