Looking for partner

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Active Member
Okay I have Server (Intel Quad Core, 4 GB DDR2, 1 TB HDD etc...all in all pretty good) and I was thinking how to use it, maybe to start PTC website? Anything what can bring money.

Since I'm pretty much busy, I won't be able to fully work on it so I'm looking for partner(s). You will be basically advertising website, administrating a.k.a you will be owner also. You won't pay for server at all and you will get % of earnings. Uptime is real 99% so no need to worry about downtime or anything similar.

If you have any other proposition or idea, I'm listening.

note: ideas such as warez forums, ddls etc won't be accepted.
Open image hosting, proxy or video hosting site.
PTC is good but I think you will use GEN3/4 for it, and a dedi is too much for a script like that.
I dont think RL hosting will survive on 4GB RAM and he hasnt posted full spec but ya site hosting will work, better make a proxy, image hosting and PTC as I dedi can handle it or best is sell vps
Well as long it will bring some income then it doesn't matter if it's way small for dedi. So like I said multiply sites are fine (PTC + Image hosting or Video Hosting + Proxy Hosting or w.e).
Go for proxy, image hosting and PTC. Make a video site too and if video gives more traffic then close any one which isnt active.
BTW I have PTC expierience (I have exp in all) and can provide you GEN3 with a good theme
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