logo request

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  • Type of graphic:* Logo.
    I need a logo for my auto parts website

  • Description: i wanted a logo for my website. I want the logo to look like the theme of my template with yellow and grey and white colors in the letters. You are the best person to judge. You guys have all the creativity. name of my website is - "Autoparts Venture"
    The template looks like this WordPress theme #46545 by Ares
    The current logo is like this.
  • Preferred dimensions:* aprox 3X3"
  • Preferred colors: like the theme of my template with yellow and grey and white colors in the letters
  • Text* AutoParts
    venture (in second line)
  • Format* Preferred format. PNG/JPEG/GIF/BMP
  • Link to website: WordPress theme #46545 by Ares
  • Timeframe: * 2-3 days
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Mike that is an awesome logo
you made my day
it is just so greatttttt
Mike how do i get thsi logo. Isit a PSD file.
Do i have to buy it from you. I will do anything for it.
I mean it
I just so soooo happy, tell me do i buy it or how do i go from here.
how do i give this logo to my designer. Is there a way i can render or make it more vectorized. More glossy ??
Let me knowI am ready to pay for it.
That was just a great piece of work....
Well the size of the image is 2 times more then the image I posted here...
I can send you the PSD file if needed along with a transparent .png file...

About payment/ honorarium it all depends on you :)
Mike Just send it over to my email nanywrd@gmail.com
Oh yes, about the money, well i dont know if that offended you in any way although some of our folks they do showcase their work like you did in my case. Well, I said that because i wanted to give that out of joy or lets say as a token of appreciation.
But hey let me tell you if that logo goes on onto my website. It will stay there for ever and ever as long as my website stays.
you won my heart bud, all my buddies here appreciated the logo. Let me know Mike if fyou have a paypal.
Mike do you do other website work like website design etc etc?
I was having a thread here @ WJ but was closed on m Request.
And I have not uploaded any of my works on the Portfolio site (Not yet started).
Hey Mike ,
I think the 2nd image was really really good. 3d is Good but The earlier one was the best one. Any ways you put in a lot of efforts. thanks for all that.
Mike can you suggest me a good website builder. I am very dejected. I need one
I talking about someone who can design a website for me.
Mike i want to some body to amke me 6 banners. I can give sample banner and then ask somebody to do it like that.
Should i start a new thread or may be you can also give it a try
I think i should start a new thread
I can make banners but I believe there are much better Designers out here :) , who can do it for you so, Better open a new thread...
Maybe I would also give it a try.
Hey Mike you are a motivation to users like me.
Believe me i thought just like other ghost forums where nobody replies, Wjunction forum was just so fantastic. I got a reply right away and its because of you active members and your contributions that todayi have a logo and logo which will be there always as long as my website stays.
Thanks to you all and specially to Mike.
Thanks Mike ! Keep up the good work Mike...
I didnt forget your reward I will be compensating ...
cheers ...
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