LinkFire's Garage Sale

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Active Member
Long story short...
My best friend totaled my car, he didn't have insurance and I only had liability. I need to sell as much as I can for every little penny I can get, because I need a car since I have school and a job to go to.

So... all of these need to go/or are offered:

1. (06/16/2009) + WHOIS Guard
2. (10/11/2009) + WHOIS Guard
3. + Site** (01/04/2010) + WHOIS Guard SOLD for $50
4. (1/09/2010) + WHOIS Guard SOLD for $25

For the domains, you place your price on them, and if reasonable they will be yours. I am in need of money, so please... try to to rip me out of a deal. These are valid namecheap domains.

1. Uploads with Passwords to your site.
2. Forum Posts in general
3. Forum Coding and Graphics (Give me an image, and l'll code it)
4. ANYTHING, within reason

You tell me the price you will offer. As I have said, I am in need of some cash so I am willing to basically do any service you need within reason. If something is not listed here, but you feel I could do, just post.

** - WarezFX has had quite a few bucks put into advertising... which, obviously I won't get back, but I am hoping for the best. Note that I just created it not even two weeks ago, but I have put over 100 hours into it. It has 3 fully functional layouts, one of which is completely unique. Its accepted to Katz, contains quite a couple of quality member posts... I am the most scared to sell this just because its building up so fast.

Anything you guys can offer would be great, I am just in a slump.
Hmm, How much are you looking to sell WarezFX for? Please PM a price which YOU think is reasonable, I may buy it but keep you as FULL (CPanel + admin access) Administrator.
Alright, I spoke to you on MSN.
Sold for $50 - But, this can be overbid by anyone until January 19th without a problem. I am just setting this as a placeholder.
What would be your rate to post at It's wordpress based and the posts need to be of high quality. Site is listed in katz and several other websites. If you would be interested I have a video with the instructions how to post since there is always, trailer/thumbnail,taggs to be added.

PM me your prices please.
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