Link package $50 to $1500

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Hi all,

DivvyWork lets people build link packages and sell them. Currently there are a couple of guys with packages to sell that might interest you. They can be found on the Link Syndication Packages area of DivvyWork. These packages range in price from $50 to $1500 and very in the amount of links, the types of links, and the amount of time they will take to place.

If you use DivvyWork to buy from these guys you will make your order and pay for it they will place the links in whatever time frame is set for that package then enter the links locations of your links into the DivvyWork system that will then verify the placements and show you the results. You can then check the placement request corrections and once it is all finished you can confirm the job as complete... At that point the seller will be paid out.

By the way, if any of you want to sign up as link sellers, website owners, bloggers, seo experts, content writers, or programmers you will not find a better way to offer your services as you get to set the price and commission is 6%-15%.

Don't know why you would say that... I am a business making a fair service offer. How the MODs could "comfirm" this is beyond me. But you are welcome to to have them look.

Better yet you should sign up and see for yourself... It's free. There are lot of tools and others reasons you may want to join too.

Not a scam just a new business idea... Hope you like it and use it.
$50 =)

5 Directory Links - do-follow link directing to client URL, small descriptions
5 min work cost $0

10 Social Bookmark Links - 40% do-follow links, directing to client URL, no description
5 min work cost $0

Good place for a pr6 backlink, thanks. Now find 50 places like that put them together and offer to place someones links for $15 - $30 - $50 - $500 - $5000 or whatever. If a customer accepts and you place the order you will keep 85% of whatever you charge. I've worked for some of the biggest link placement companies out there and you will not find another place that will give that kind of a cut for link placement.
You are offering 5 Directory link & 10 social bookmark links for $50.
I could post them to my own directorys and autopost 10 socialbookmarks in 10 minutes.

why would i need to find 50 (places) like that? i commented on your $50 package thats worthless.
Hi _dark_

Good point.. Actually not a pr 0 yet... still gray bared. This site has been open for about a week and a half but is cached and shows about 1080 listing for DivvyWork... Last week there were next to none. It will have PR very soon... waiting for updates.

Also, I'm not really an SEO company... I'm a service provider who people can find SEO service through. DivvyWork does not do SEO... It helps you find people who can do SEO.

What DivvyWork does is let online professionals offer their service, rent or sell or buy links, sell or buy sponsored blog articles, manages campaigns, takes care of billing, processes payments, manage customer and vender payouts, give reporting and run statistics on sites where things are being sold or have been placed.
wait what? we only get 6-15% commission on our own work? that makes no sense at all. also LOLOL @ your $50 package what are you out of your mind?! I hope you go out of business really soon. People like you are why this industry is saturated with idiots trying to get rich quick
You are offering 5 Directory link & 10 social bookmark links for $50.
I could post them to my own directorys and autopost 10 socialbookmarks in 10 minutes.

why would i need to find 50 (places) like that? i commented on your $50 package thats worthless.

And what I'm saying is that I am not selling these. The person who made that offer is selling them they are just selling them through my system. If you can offer a better deal please sign up and do so.

wait what? we only get 6-15% commission on our own work? that makes no sense at all. also LOLOL @ your $50 package what are you out of your mind?! I hope you go out of business really soon. People like you are why this industry is saturated with idiots trying to get rich quick

No you get 85% to 94%. The rate I charge for a commission is 6-15% depending on the type of job.
I'd rather not wade through all the joke offers like that... you should maybe think about having people offer some quality services instead of joke services for joke prices. 15 links is nothing and for $50 I literally laughed out loud
yes indeed i mean , you could literarely go by hand and in 30 mins you would be finished with a 0 $ loss , but taking account its a new site and a new service wouldn't you as owner encourage any user that comes along uterus spacecraft
no divvy work gets a 6% commision out of your work l2read :P
or maybe they should learn how to properly write English. It says commission is 6%-15% which could mean anything.

Your site is half-baked I highly recommend getting people who can offer decent services rather than having your site filled up with nonsense.

I'd rather just use SENuke and get like 200 backlinks for free.

yes indeed i mean , you could literarely go by hand and in 30 mins you would be finished with a 0 $ loss , but taking account its a new site and a new service wouldn't you as owner encourage any user that comes along uterus spacecraft

No I would not! What I would suggest is lowering your commission (15% is so high for what you are offering) and then instead of advertising without any decent offers available, accrue the offers FIRST, then advertise!

It's like advertising an auction site with nothing on it. A lot of good that does.

Go get some quality SEO service professionals from other webmaster forums before advertising your half-cocked business plan.
Uterus Spacecraft as more service providers come in there will be more offers. DivvyWork is a free and open marketplace and I hope to have a lot of people competing for customers as time goes by.

Also, I will not knock the guys who make these offers. These are the price they want to charge and that is fine. The idea of DivvyWork is that you can come in and offer what you want to offer at the price you want to offer it. DivvyWork just manages the transactions and order processing. If the products or service that are offered are to high priced people will not buy your services, and that is the way it should be.
I guess? But it is not attractive to a potential customer to see 15 links for $50 as your cheapest package. In fact I know that kind of price/service will drive customers away from ever wanting to look at your site again.

Take my advice, I'm not just blowing smoke up your ass here, go get more quality service providers before advertising their crappy link packages! You'll notice that you used their prices in the topic title so actually you are indirectly advertising their prices/services.

Having such awful options reflects poorly on your company and its ability to acquire quality service providers and thus, its ability to provide quality services in general.
I totally see your point and agree with you. However, this post was not made just to get customers, fact is it was just as much to get service providers too.

Frankly, I'm much more likely to find service providers at WJ than customers. DivvyWork is a replacement to the standard full service SEO/link rental, model so most of my customers will be business owners who are not as quite savvy as the standard WJ reader. But WJ is a great place to find link syndication providers, web site owners and the likes. :)

Lastly, although the $50 package has only 15 links the $950 package has 500 manually placed links. That's less than $2 a link. Granted you could do it for free but it would take some time. I don't think that offer is that bad. But again someone here might be reading this say "Hell, I could do 2000 links for a 1000 bucks"... And to them I say please sign on to DivvyWork and do it. ;)
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