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First fix ur site lol; f.e.

Lol wtf is with the register pic? Hate it.
Lol wtf is with the sidebar? Hate sidebars.
Lol wtf is with the 1 milion of affilate buttons? Create an affilate page.
Lol wtf is with the footer affilates table? A BIG LOL
Lol wtf is with the extreme tracker button? Hide it
And lol wtf is with the BosniaWarez Forums and Forum tabs on top default tabs?

0/10. Who would like exchange link with you now lol
You dont even submit to katz and you didnt even said what ur sites pr is :D Not professional at all dude

EDIT: i saw the logo now. make that better too.
First fix ur site lol; f.e.

Lol wtf is with the register pic? Hate it.
Lol wtf is with the sidebar? Hate sidebars.
Lol wtf is with the 1 milion of affilate buttons? Create an affilate page.
Lol wtf is with the footer affilates table? A BIG LOL
Lol wtf is with the extreme tracker button? Hide it
And lol wtf is with the BosniaWarez Forums and Forum tabs on top default tabs?

0/100. Who would like exchange link with you now lol dont even submit the katz and you didnt even said what ur sites pr is

EDIT: i saw the logo now. lmfao


Change your site style abit looks bad atm.
You have to fix it first lol Make it look more professional, know what I mean? for beggining remove that register image with middle finger ;)
What is this a review thread? If you want to LE with BosnaWarez then reply. Anyone else who don't want to LE - Please don't reply. Ty.

- Warning to All.
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