Link building tools

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Link building toos!

I think tools.buzzsteam or tools.seobook are the best link building tools of 2015. You can try one of those.
you can find SmallSEOtool is one of the SEO tool use to Build Backlins. Which contains Backlink marker, where you just need to submit your website. It results list of Websites Where your Website is listed.
Can anyone suggest me some link building tools which is working currently??
I don't use any tools when building links to my site.
I do it manually, like I look for relevant quality niche site where I can put my link on it.
That would be the best thing you can do if you want to do link building.
Yes.I would like to suggest you a free tool for building backlinks.Ask other webmasters to link to your website.This is the best way.You will have links from related content and quality websites,but its a hard work.This the best way that i know.And ,5 links/day are more than enought.
Can anyone suggest me some link building tools which is working currently??
Hmm... I don't use any link building tools but when I need something I just look for it on Google.
Right now, I only use nodofollow firefox extension, it is use to tell whether a anchor text (link) is nofollow or dofollow.
Why you dont try GSA SER to build backlinks

Added after 5 Days 23 Hours:

I suggest using GSA SER for link building
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