Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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hi sir
what about me ?
user : moustafadarwasha@yahoo.com
i dont do any false, my acc stolen on RDP then somebody use it and i recovery my pass alot as u can see then blocked
please this account i use it from 1 year and no problem
i dont deserve that

you have multiple accounts on the same tariff
for more details you need to contact support.

Done sir, and i explain every thing in ticket
thanks sir , u r the best filehost ever :)

Added after 1 Day 20 Hours:

please check your pms
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Tried this host (Letitbit and ShareFlare) but the upload speeds are the worst I've ever seen, even after I went premium I was only getting 1Mbps upload on a brand new dedicated server with gigabit uplink.

For comparison, I created a 100MB sparse text file and uploaded the same file to the following file hosts and timed how many seconds each transfer took as such:

Letitbit: 687 seconds (second try I did get 432 seconds)

FileBoom: 11 seconds
FileOM: 4 seconds
Keep2Share: 11 seconds
LuckyShare: 2 seconds
Ultramegabit: 9 seconds
Upstore: 22 seconds

Only thing I can think of is that they throttle free member's upload speeds to 1Mbps, despite the fact that someone from Letitbit/ShareFlare informed me via Skype that they do not throttle upload speeds.

I tried to go premium several times (even by using Google Chrome Incognito Mode) using both a VISA & MasterCard credit card that I know are in working condition and all I got was a WSoD (White Screen of Death, screen shot below) when it went to process my card. I also tried by intentionally entering the wrong credit card number and at least that gave me an error that it was an invalid card number.


So I guess not only does Letitbit/Shareflare not have a functional upload system (1Mbps max speed means its broken to me) but it appears their payment processor is also offline. I don't know how these guys can stay in business operating like this so I must be missing something here. If anyone has any information as to what I'm doing wrong please feel free to private message me or reply to me in this thread and let me know!


Added after 5 Days 14 Hours:

Just confirmed with Letitbit/Shareflare that their upload speeds are throttled to 1Mbps.

That is fucking insanely slow, so not only does their payment processor simply not work but its impossible to even upload to these guys.

(See my post directly above this one with the transfer times as proof....)

Added after 2 Days 16 Hours:

I wrote a couple bash upload scripts for ShareFlare/Letitbit that work pretty well.

However I can't affiliate with this host because they do cap the upload speeds for all users (premium and free) to only 1Mbps which is unacceptably slow. But maybe in the future they will get their act together and provide a way for people to actually upload to them that doesn't run on 20th century internet speeds. They also have a non functional payment processor that declined my bank card for fraud, trust me I spend a lot of money on the internet and I can't remember when any of my credit/debit cards have been declined by a payment processor...

Anyways, here's the code:

[Bash] shareFlareUploader.sh - Pastebin.com
Letitbit: [Bash] letitbitUploader.sh - Pastebin.com
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What is "Tariff : pro" ??? I can not change it into "Tariff : Percent" ...

I want to work on PPS but support told me that it is impossible to change tariff and told me to create a new account ???? WTF ?! Are you kidding me ?
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