Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Shareflare, enough. Please fix the stats. This is İmpossible. I Can sold premiums everyday. But stats show only the one sale. Please Fix! I am opening mega thread at the best site. So THİS is impossible.
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jolly, letitbit has different system, they sell account but every premium members
has a kind of points may be you finished this credits


what is your points when you enter your url in browser
and try to download and what is error message.
om i pm you

Added after 8 minutes:

jolly, letitbit has different system, they sell account but every premium members
has a kind of points may be you finished this credits


what is your points when you enter your url in browser
and try to download and what is error message.

no error but am premium account but i cant download as premium
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hi admin

letibit my account:
id: hoanganh_johnny@yahoo.com.vn
I do not understand what I was doing that my account is locked. executives say that I cheat in downloading documents
your review has helped take several months but toi.Toi earn only about 18usd. help you review for me. I never cheat. I spent a few months to get that money. Can you help me. I will wait for your message. I thank you very much
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