Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Due to the holidays in Russia, following payments will be made ​​on Thursday May 10

Shareflares my friends are receiving the pays today, but you said that the pay was the thursday may day 10 an because you said this i have request the payment on monday, is imposible every week you change the day, and pay when you decide, If you said that you will pay the tursday i request the pay on sunday, but you said payments will be the thursday and you pay the tuesday is imposible understand...
hi Letitbit. can you explain with english? New plan?

Уважаемые партнеры! C сегодняшнего дня мы увеличиваем максимальный процент от продаж с 40 до 50. Вам необходимо обязательно обновить соотношение в своем кабинете.
@Shareflare my account drop 10% efficiency without valid reason.
Fix this.







In 31 days before the date (2012-05-09) you

Sell: $22.012
Earn: $10

Percent: 67.85%

To Increase KPD your percent should be not more than 80%

*Percent = Earn x 100 / Sell

Letitbit :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Hi Shareflare, i can see this in your news panel:

8 Мая 2012 Увеличение процента от продаж

Уважаемые партнеры! C сегодняшнего дня мы увеличиваем максимальный процент от продаж с 40 до 50. Вам необходимо обязательно обновить соотношение в своем кабинете.

In English:

May 8, 2012 The increase in percentage of sales

Dear Partners C today, we are increasing the maximum percentage of sales from 40 to 50. You must be sure to update the balance in his office.

Here says that you go to update the % of sales from 40% to 50% but my perecent still in 40%... when you go to do this? I need to do something for make this change effective??
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