Shareflare please reply to this:
Please pay your attention to following changes in partnership program: staring from April, 15, stream video views will be charged only from following countries: Russia, Germany, Spain, Britain, France, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium and Canada.
But the current rules about paying 50$/10000views and paying 0,005$ for 1GB transfer datas will be not for the other countries ?:D Because when you will add these new countryes to pay, what happend with other countryes, which must pay 0,005$ for 1GB transfer ? Or we got this for free ?:D I dont know this, why you dont add these countries to TIER 1 with 50$ per 10000views and the rest of world as TIER2 with for example 35$ per 10000views ?
And please repair Player, new advertisement on the start of every video caused that nobody can change size of video and regulate volume and there was problem with playing too

after adding add to player my views droped down by 30%.