Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Can to me and such forum is necessary, but for you it is more necessary, use still a forum for the illiterate!
17,41+9,18+5,1+2,74 () *0,005=0,17215 with a sign +!!!
on yours to calculations - 17,41+9,18+5,1+2,74 () *0,005 =-0,9


How when viewings video the account can leave in a minus???!!!

same question ??
in Letitbit 24 houre my 150 files deleted i earn first time 3 to 4 $ per day in this year i ear 3 $ from last week how its posible lol in this yaer only 10 file delet denad and from last 24 houre 150 i think this site ( Letitbit) dont chance to make money to members

any other memb same problame ?
such as this?
the larger file that I have uploaded 680 Mb
April 8th day counted four video views
views Gb. = 15 ,78 Gb ?????????

Sorry my bad English
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in Letitbit 24 houre my 150 files deleted i earn first time 3 to 4 $ per day in this year i ear 3 $ from last week how its posible lol in this yaer only 10 file delet denad and from last 24 houre 150 i think this site ( Letitbit) dont chance to make money to members

any other memb same problame ?
yes I have same problem :'(
How when viewings video the account can leave in a minus???!!!
If you read the rules carefully. you'll see. that we pay only when viewed over 50% of film. If you have a film of 1 gigabyte and user view only 40% you do not get money for watching, but will be deducted fee for the traffic 0,4*0,005=0,002
so your balance will be $-0,002
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