Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Please have a look at the above image.

In the month of February Letitbit had severe stat problem and you have also compensated the download counts but you haven't corrected the sales count accordingly.

Because of not correcting the sales figure our earnings became more than their earnings and hence our efficiency have have started dropping from 1st March onwards.

Is this our fault?

It is clear from the picture that you have compensated our download count on 24/02/12,26/02/12 and 29/02/12 but not changed the sales figure.accordingly.

Is it possible to believe that I had 70 sales against 1500 downloads and the next day I had 66 sales against 4231 downloads.

They have accumulated 1 or 2 days missing download counts and added them to download counts on certain days.

But Shareflare is not ready to admit their fault and replied me
"amount of your sales is displayed correctly, if the number of downloads decrease, and sales remain the same efficiency will increase. Failure statistics did not affect the your efficiency"

In his 2nd reply he said

"26 you have 49 sales
27 you have 46 sales
28 you have 70 sales
27 and 28 Your downloads are displayed incorrectly but sales displayed true.
you want to say that, in the days of problems with the statistics you have been in 2 times more sales than it is now showing? "

If my download counts can grow 3 times in a single then why can't my sales figure grow 2 times.

If anyone feels that he had the same problem with sales count please post your details along with screenshots of stats for the lasts few days of February to prove that.
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Thanks Maradona for your support.

I know all of us have suffered the same problem. So please bear the pain of posting your stats screenshot from 24/2/12 to 29/02/12 in support of this. Its a request to you all.

First they misguided us by making false rate charts in FAQ. There they never mentioned anything of efficiency there. But we all accepted that.

But now because of stats problems and less sales counts our efficiency got badly affected and rates got down subsequently.

Lets see what Shareflare says now.
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everything is messed up right now on letitbit, lets hope for the best

22nd & 23rd needs to be recalculated

even sales problem must be fixed
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Im bored about post here lots of screenshots with evidenvce "CHEATING" stats but for nothing because im getting ever the same "bot" answers from Shareflare not clearing nothing.

Time to leave Letitbit!
You just can not understand that at the specified days, there were no problems with sales, there were problems with the downloads, we are compensated for their February 29. Sales for all of the days is correct.
shareflare why r u ignore us ??
Please Help i had chosen download system skymonk only when any one download my files but it still give the 60 waiting time and skymonk please fix

12422972 | normal
See video views in February, from day 21 to now the video count simply down. Maybe my all users run away in that day (In letitbit February don't have some days, is a special month!)

And now see in March, the March is a month that not have all the days, is a special month!:

Shareflare what you have to say about this?

Added after 6 minutes:

Can u explain me why with every day my stats going down?

You have Turba right? Turba is for Pay Per Download, but if you don't make sales your rates start to low. If you want PPD leave this, because they don't have a real PPD. When your efficience reaches 10% they will move your account to PPS forever. They are cheating all people with this. They cheated me too.
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Shareflare what you have to say about this?
will not say anything. I don't know your username

When your efficience reaches 10% they will move your account to PPS forever. They are cheating all people with this. They cheated me too.
you getting warning, that your performance goes down, also you getting a warning that if the efficiency is will below 10%, you go on tariff with100% from sales.

If you read the rules carefully, you will see, what we pay per view movie more than 50%
Also in the first topic is written that this type of service is in test mode and there may be problems.
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Could you please look at the conversion again? Some files are converted correctly and fast but some it wont convert anymore for example this: http://letitbit.net/download/09901.0a177801ac82e3867c3387f06fa1/Top_Gear_S15E05.avi.html
or this

my account id: 18817621


You have probably overlooked my post shareflare.. I've posted links and my id also..
So I hope I'll get an answer soon :)
Thanks and have a nice day
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