Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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what is this are u kidding with us
Hela Haya Haya does not change in the money or anything
The form of people in the empty site to guard need not worked by Cutter from Space
admin same happend on 19 and you don`t update the statistics and today I know that will be the same ... what shame from you ! you should make a compesation if you cant recalculate corectly ! is a shame of your webmasters that they do this or they dont know to resolve it.

Added after 8 minutes:

why you don`t answer man??? why??

Added after 11 minutes:

since one hour frozen and interesting is that is in that time always where are made the most downloads of all day.. and always frozen to steal !

Added after 19 minutes:

if was problems by servers, or problem with the site the problem would persist over 12:00 night but no... once the day gone the statistics are back on normal next day... so frozen is made by you ! and I am sure that on 19th and 21th will not be recalculate ! to bad for your site but you need to kick some staff or change them.
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admin same happend on 19 and you don`t update the statistics and today I know that will be the same ... what shame from you ! you should make a compesation if you cant recalculate corectly ! is a shame of your webmasters that they do this or they dont know to resolve it.

Added after 8 minutes:

why you don`t answer man??? why??

Added after 11 minutes:

since one hour frozen and interesting is that is in that time always where are made the most downloads of all day.. and always frozen to steal !


Very "CHEATED" day today 22 march like at 19th march very drastical less sales compared to other much less "CHEATED" days... maybe it's time to move to another file hosting!
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Soon? See the title of the topic:
$50/10k views.

Streaming don't work around one month...
And the problem with stats is old. People are leaving the letitbit and the letitbit is banned from some sites/blogs because the problems.
Please Help i had chosen download system skymonk only when any one download my files but it still give the 60 waiting time and skymonk please fix

12422972 | normal
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