Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Admin: Jessy why you warned me because Is true what I post here. if you believe that everyone of here lies and letitbit say true you dont know what is about.
Try to use this site and will see everyday stats frozen over 4 PM Moscov time to 2AM because is made by them to steal from honest people, and recalculation is 50% correct, so they steal very much .... so how can we call this site ?? a stealer . They know what they are doing the shut up and make the game play and admin know about problems but he dont resolve and dont give compesation to steal more and more. CLose this threat until they will help people with problems and resolve once for ever this "freezing" .
@shareflare or whoever who can answer this, considering the fact that you don't allow US IPs to use your service anymore, will you payout to an American paypal account (i.e. a paypal account validated with an American bank/credit card)?
Statistics VERY FROZEN. I think like other days in some minutes/hours maybe the DOWNLOADS realculated but the SALES that we getting in these "FREEZE HOURS" NEVER got recalculated.

Unique free downloads = counted downloads

Check that link for everyone and change last number of the link -25 in -26 and -27
to see how much they stole and see how much you earned... I don`t know if are real or only 70% real but are more than this "recalculation" and they also set a limit on PPD to 12$/1000 quality even if you upload much files over 250 Mb..
Check the link to see how they steal us on our face.

Added after 7 minutes:

I made yesterday at least 7$ its show me on by clicking the downloads on yesterday after "recalculation" but this shit give me only 5 $... so 2$ steal from yesterday.
Today show me 2 $ on freezing... after I click on downloads and I number the downloads of there today with my downloads made I have over 5 $
Now lets see after recalculation if I got at least 5$ what I real do today or recalculation will give me less like usualy and steal my work again !!
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