Day 25 that finished about 1 hour ago dont have correct sats!
In stats table showing 47 sales for this day but if you open the detailed stats for the sales and count i get 64 sales/skymonks and the last 3 real sales not counted in my "To Pay" column... :facepalm:
Yes, like yesterday.
After a couple of hours everything was updated.
I wrote about this earlier.Sharflare & Letitbit !!
l look my downloads table, downloaded file says 347, but when l click large table l calculate 682 downloads.. if you continue this way, you will be a big scammer in a short time, lots of people say always you status frozen or false. show us correct tables. You can see the table this a few hours: l show stats only 9 downloads, but when l click and calculate 25 downloads !!