1-for all countries1. download/view counted for all countries?
2. when someone download my files and its 1GB, my earning will be deducted with 0.0005? is that correct?
3. is porn allowed? I saw in http://moevideo.net/ (All videos will be moderated. Adult video is forbidden.)
4. speed for free/rigestered/premium and also bandwitdh limit(if there is)
5. dont quite get the difference of percent and turba, can someone explain. thanks
currently using letitbit..
tariff percent-it's PPSletibit.net................no pps
need pps earn
done, with hold on 10 daysShareflare:
I have 2 "Limit of funds on purses of receiver is overloaded in my accounts"
Now I can receive money in Webmoney
ID: 18995611
ID: 25554772
this is type of payment, maybe it was rebillHello Shareflare. I was wondering if you could help me understand this sale through my account. This account that I hold is on Percent tariff. Could you please help me understand what this "Status: subscription" means. Last 10 sales on my account gave me almost the same amount of money. I'm hoping you could help me understand it. Thanks in advance!