your accountscan you see me this account please ! i swear i didn't have any accounts except that you can search by my ip about it
Closed My Account And Dont Reply The Pm Although He Was Online !!!!!
tell me your accountMe too ??? why ???
closed my account
why do you think that it is permitted to do? you registered several times and always you was agree with the rules. The rules written :Yes, this accounts for me.But, quite simply, when closing any account I open a new account What's wrong with that?Is forbidden to open a new account on the same device. or what??Please, I have worked hard during the last period to achieve this profit I need it most .I have not any intention of fraud and deception.Please, I want my money because it is not the first time that closing an account without right
your account is working, you are temporarily (for 7 days) denied access to filemanager, because of the large amount of abuseMy account was blocked . I can not upload . Plz check pm Thanks you .!!!!
For the last 30 days there were a lot of abuses from copyright holders for Your files