(Updated) - Up to $30 per sale

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this affiliation connection site is scam .. am not seeing any reports. and for 3 days i didn't make any sale. how the hell shall i know how many clicks and lead i generate ?!
What a stupid thing to say "its a scam" just because you haven't generated any sales and Reports aren't displayed, the Panel is still in a Beta Stage and i have Affiliates making $1000+ everyday. The next version of the panel will be released within 2 weeks and Clicks/Leads will be displayed but at the moment Sales are recording correctly.

Show me how your promoting LatestDownloads.

with yottacash i see 1400 clicks, and 1000 leads. of course i dropped them because am generating a sale every 2 or 3 days .. which is damn low. i also tried DLProfit.but with their new system you get almost nothing!
lots of other websites are having the same problems .. sales are dropping dramatically.
now reading this :

Conversions have definetly improved since we first launched on our new Payment Processor. Just got an Affiliate on today who has the following stats:

Clicks - 8857
Sales - 17
Commission - $459

So the improvements i have been making with split-testing since last week are working.


what u said means that the average ratio is 1:500 .. this means i should generate 2 sales per day .. at least 1 sale. and please don't tell me this depends on the type of visitors.

here you can look at the way i promote links:

i've been running these type of ads for long time and they have been converting very well.
Not all Affiliates get the same ratios, where is your main traffic source?

I have this kind of problem all the time with websites that have a majority traffic source of returning visitors who simply NEVER pay for downloads.

What is your current traffic? Search Engines / Referring Sites / Direct Traffic (returning visitors)

Lots of optimizations made last night which appear to have increased our conversions quite a bit, tracking will soon be implemented so you can monitor clicks/leads for your marketing campaigns.

I'm trying to promote your site but it seems it's something wrong with affiliationconnection. I have no clicks shown in my admin panel witch I know is not right. This is a 3-4 days situation (have open a new thread where I explain it better )

Don't know if this is the right place for my problem, but I really want to promote your site with VISIBLE results.
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Ofcourse we are paying Affiliates and have been since we started, PM me your account username and ill get it checked out.

Confirmed that they DO NOT PAY anymore. I've earned 248 USD during April 21st to 30th, and still didin't got my payment.
They also do not reply to emails.
Try 20EUR/per free signup usenet affiliate instead
(already got 3 payments from them, no problems at all and support is awesome)
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