Laptop or Macbook?

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MacBook Pro, I got my first one 4 years ago, and so did a few of my friends. Some bought expensive toshiba laptops (2,500 - 3,000), others got decent HP and acer's for (1,500 - 2,000) Both theirs broke within the first two years and even after being refurbished are too slow to be used nowadays. Mine lasted for a full 4 years still running the latest photoshop and even movie editing every now and then.
Now I just reformatted it and gave it to my parents, it still handles the basics and got myself a new macbook pro.

The prices are a little bit extra but not much, the software is great, and it's by far the best designed laptop on the market.

ps. Regarding the post above about upgrading macs. You can upgrade your mac yourself if you have the right size screwdriver. Go ahead and buy the stuff off of neweggs and install it. If you can take apart a normal windows laptop you can take apart a mac.
There's not really much to say: Yes, Apple is expensive, but the products they use are well-matched. While a Windows Laptop uses hardware from all possible companies, Mac stay with the ones that really work fine on a mac. AND that's why it works so cool, smooth etc.

btw: Does Apple give you a MAC OSX CD to format your Mac?
In about a year I want to buy one, but I ain't sure about that.

No doubt in saying that Macbook is best. It is actual able and good looks. The new macs can run both MAC OSX as wel as XP. Good battery activity is main feature of this product. I think it is more better than laptop.

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It is a very good thing that laptop or Macbook is very useful u every people.Hey, I currently have a macbook pro 2011 in which I use Reason and Live 8 for composing.A MacBook Pro may be a bit more expensive than your average Dell Laptop but in the long run, consumers are better off spending.
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I recommend having a laptop if you only use your computer for basic things like web browsing and social networking. If you use your computer time for web design, audio editing etc. then the Macbook Pro is the way to go.
If its applications your worrying about, then dont. If theres an app for PC then theirs an app or even better for mac. Id go with the macbook, your paying for quality and thats what you get.
If you got the money alienware is where it is at. The M11 and M15 are nice. I am running with m15(Specs in signature). I game a lot or did and I design a lot so I use Photoshop and dreamweaver a lot. No problems at all nor do I use all my ram no matter what I am doing. :)
I've never really been a fan of Mac. Personally, I would have bought a laptop. Your choise should depend on what you are going to use it for and how your lifestyle is.
You should definitely go with a MacBook Pro.
This thing is pure awesomeness. The design is fantastic, it works smooth, it's a beast!

You simply can't get any better product.

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