Kookfile.com - PPS 60% of sales and rebills (90% New year Promotion)

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Active Member

Kookfile - Free High Quality Filesharing Service

Hello WJ members,

We are very happy to announce our brand new filesharing service Kookfile.com just launched.
We offer high quality services to make our uploaders and members satisfied.

Key Features:

1) FTP Upload
2) Remote Upload.
3) Flash Upload.
4) Huge Storage Space(Up to 10TB)

Affiliate Program

1) PPS - 60% of Sales and 60% of Rebills.
2) Earn 15% from your Referrals.
3) 10% website sales.


1. Payouts are processed twice a month.
2. Minimum payout is 20 EUR.
3. Payouts method: using PayPal, Webmoney.
4. Legal porn is allowed.

Banners & Buttons

New Year Promotion (vaild until 1/31/2014):

Get 90% from your sales and rebills!
Get 20% website sales!
Giveaway: 90 days free premium account for uploader.
New year gift: Signup as affiliate get € 10 bonus!

Signup an account start to make money now!
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can i have premium plz user ps2gameman

Added after 13 minutes:

trying to upload a 4.71gb file it is not working what is max upload file for premium
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i wanna whats max file size for premium to upload anything over 2 gb doesent work

Please try agian, you can upload up to 10GB a file now.

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Affiliate Program

1) PPS - 60% of Sales and 60% of Rebills.
2) Earn 15% from your Referrals.
3) 10% website sales.

Look good :)

Thank you!:)

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hello kookfile

can you add premium to uploader

username : mido066


Added after 3 minutes:

PPS only ?
i need premium please
username : odem
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i joined as painkillerz,pls give me free 10€ bonus,and give me free premium,thx
look,i think you should add more premium plan like this: 1day/1,99€ or 5days/4,99€ you will got much more sales,trust me!

Added after 2 minutes:

and what is max filesize what free user can download it?
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plz upgrade my account
user name- sharryhundal

Added after 9 minutes:

i joined as painkillerz,pls give me free 10€ bonus,and give me free premium,thx
look,i think you should add more premium plan like this: 1day/1,99€ or 5days/4,99€ you will got much more sales,trust me!

Added after 2 minutes:

and what is max filesize what free user can download it?

10€ and 90 days premium added.

For more plans I will give it some serious consideration...

Max filesize what free user is 1.2GB.
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please upgrade my account
username adrian92
and please write the days of payment,the country and trier and % count of views
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Hi Koofile, please upgrade my account to premium: tvn94 :)
and give me 10€ :cough:

User not found :(

Added after 5 minutes:

please upgrade my account
username adrian92
and please write the days of payment,the country and trier and % count of views

Upgarded and added 10€, the payout day is 1st and 15th each month.
PPS only.

Please upgrade premium
user cordoba

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