KnownSRV houses hackers, stay away from their hosting.

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@viruz99 - thats what i want to do (your point 1). Thats y i want knownsrv to co-operate and give me hacker's contact details. Am i asking too much here ?
@ silent.Hinter , did you use same password for your namecheap account + knownsrv account ?

What are you trying to say? He wasn't even hosted with us at this time. He moved hosts weeks ago. He doesn't understand there is nothing we can do. He has to contact NameCheap and his new hosting provider.

We won't give you access to our client's details and data without court order. We take our business and privacy policy very seriously.
As Krun!x said, we sell hosting, not domains. You paid to be hosted, so did the "hacker". We couldn't care less what domains are used on our servers.

If your domain got stolen, go to wherever you bought the domain (Namecheap, Name, GoDaddy, Dynadot..). Even with that said, we tried to be helpful and have contacted the "hacker" saying that he needs talk to you ASAP or we will have to take measures. You were informed of this before this thread was made.

I have no intentions persuading your domain anymore, it's your own fault if you used fake information and can't retrieve it. Good luck.

Won't happen, we do not give out client information.

was going to respond.
but ditto.

I highly doubt they would steal your domain.
My company gets domains transferred to us all the time, we don't ask any questions it's too hard to keep track and not really our concern.

If however we do find something wrong, then we would look into it and such and start an investigation.

knownsrv probably has no information about the domain, nor cares.
unless you can prove to them that you owned the domain, it shouldn't of been transferred, etc, then they probably won't help.
you making this thread also doesn't help your case.

i suggest you contact them via their website, NOT here.
If what .mac and Krun!x have quoted is true then you Silent.Hunter are a dumbass and this is all your own fault. No hosting company will EVER EVER give out personal information about any of their clients and rightly so. That's what the whole warez industry is based on, Anonymity and privacy. If they were to disappear then Warez would disappear. What your asking for is unreasonable.
Thanks for the support guys.

@Sandino, the attacker did NOT transfer domain to us, we do NOT sell domains. He just bought a VPS from us.
I know mac and Krun!x. They wont EVER give out customer info. Its your problem that your namecheap account got hacked. You are just really dumb.
Then how did you lose your domain? I understand you must be frustrated but if someone got access to your domain details, there's no one but yourself to be blamed.
Thanks everybody. This thread has no point as we won't release our clients' information, which is what the OP wants.

As I said, we already did the most we could. The "hacker" has been emailed about the issue, that's what you wanted, right? It'll just have to go through us, since he's a client.
they were hosting the same domain already with my username, cant you read or are you stupid ?

How many John Smith's do you think are in the world or people registered as aXXo? People often register as "Mr Happy" on blackmarket sites trying to scam people knowing I have a good reputation. Ask Hawk for example. Someone tried to do a deal with him on the old WSM as Mr Happy. A username means nothing. Sure their are loads of people here on WJ with more than 10 accounts. WJ only has about 1000 members. The rest are duplicate accounts.
Whats the point of this thread? How can they have access to your domain name? If you are enought stupid someone to steal your domain its your fault. They have nothing to do with this!
Your not going to get your domain back or the details of the 'hacker'

It looks like you uploaded all content to the site yourself. Delete all your uploaded files so the site is about usless & move on.
I'd also like to point out that unlike on our shared server we can't manage the domains as accounts (you don't even need a domain if you have a VPS, you can do anything through the IP). Without clients's knowledge and permission we can't edit anything inside the VPS's filesystem, like configuration files where the domains are set.

Again, the only way is if the "hacker" releases the domain or if you take it back with the help of your domain registrar.
You all arent getting anything do you ?

I said knownsrv "houses" hackers ... not that they have hacked me ffs. Learn to read please, damn trolls.
Ok - Let's say the hacker did hack your namecheap account & get your domain - how the hell did they get your database ?

@ Everyone - Am i the only one rooting for Silent.Hunter here ? :O

How would you feel if this happened to you ?

I know him from warez-bb , downloaded his games lots of times
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