VPS KnowinServers.com - 1 Gbps-100 Mbps VPS/RDP from $15/month (German, Netherlands, USA)

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About the Windows VPS, we are waiting for the hardware Raid.
We are expecting it to be done by tommorow.
Please bare with us, Equal Compensation will be :)

Each VPS is given 5000 CPU units,

Sorry for the moment KS L300 Is not available in windows ,

but we working out things to get gbps windows VPS,

What do you mean by 5000 CPU units? Can you explain it in a more common words? like how many core or how many ghz?
"The concept of "total CPU units" is purely fiction, and is
here just for the convenience. People do want to set CPU units is terms
of processor's megaherts, and this is what cpuunits does. But in fact it
is not a megaherts but just a relative weights."

5000 units = 50% of a core can be used by the VPS at max,
Do you allow game server to be hosted on your vps? im currently using Santrex hosting plan for 4 websites and one quake game server but their hosting is so unstable and unreliable, and very good amount of time server is offline. And their support is awful and slow. If you allow game server hosted on your vps i would like to buy KS L200 plan.
And i where are located your vps plans? :)

1-> We can allow game server but that should not utilize like 80% of server , a fair usage will do, how many users will be connecting to it??

2-> All our servers are hosted in germany

Thank you,
Quake is very old game and dont use much of resources, specially when its used as dedicated game server.And i have set for 16 users to connect in game.

The package im using on santrex is:

Intel Xeon E5410 cpu with 1 core allowed
Memory 512 Mb, Burst 1Gb

These are graphs from my VPS load.

And graphs are for 1 week usage.

I had before package with 2 cores, and 1gb to 1.5gb burst ram and same problems.
Problems with them are: their servers are overloaded so i get high ping for allot of time, very bad and slow support, and they dont know how to manage their servers, and getting allot of downtime.

For these Loads its fine ,

but currently we are out of stock for KS200 ,

you can use our KS L300 also for this..

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