VPS KnowinServers.com - 1 Gbps-100 Mbps VPS/RDP from $15/month (German, Netherlands, USA)

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SO with 100 mbps speed trensfer movies to my pc by setting up a FTP server on the VPS

The speeds will depend on your ISP and your Locaiton.

Foe eg. if you live in USA , You will not get 100mbps speeds from netherlands vps.

encoding allowed ?

Encoding Allowed on NW300(NL) And W400(germany)

I bought a vps from you .
In the process of buying that I filled hostname and dns name servers with my domain maziar.me .
Now I can't connect to my vps using remote desktop.
Can you tell me where should I use the ip address and the username ? And what should I type in the computer name field .

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Firstly Remove that ip address from here.

Secondly this is not our support thread.

Open a ticket please.

USA UW100 Windows VPS Are now available.

PM me for any quarries.

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J'en ai marre à votre service pour seulement 2 jours de tentatives de l'utiliser. C'est le plus ridiculement faible puissance du processeur du serveur que j'ai jamais utilisé (a essayé d'utiliser car il est inutilisable). Si je commence à charger des logiciels utilisation du processeur passe à 100% et y reste quoi qu'il arrive. Bien sûr, pendant ce temps je ne peux rien faire sur le serveur, il suffit de s'asseoir et de regarder comment ajouts vont - et ils vont ralentir, parce que votre vitesse d'upload sont bien en deçà de la moyenne. Je ne veux pas me prononcer sur rar / unrar vitesses, ou IDM "reconstruction" temps - là, c'est ce que j'appelle perdre de temps ennuyeux.
voila je voulais savoir si c'etais possible de passez pour le meme prix sur un NL
KS NW100 Pour voir si les serveurs sont pareil.. car la je suis decu

I'm sick to your service for only two days of attempts to use it. It is the most ridiculously low power processor server I've ever used (tried to use because it is useless). If I start loading software CPU usage goes to 100% and stays there no matter what. Of course, during that time I can not do anything on the server, just sit back and watch how additions are - and they will slow down, because your upload speed is well below average. I do not want to comment on rar / unrar speeds, or IDM "rebuilding" time - this is what I call boring waste time.
here I wanted to know if it was possible to go for the same price on a NL
KS NW100 To see if the servers are same .. I'm disappointed because
I put a ticket I can not even log

Ticket Created #700436

upload = 300ko
dowload= 1200ko
I'm sick to your service for only two days of attempts to use it. It is the most ridiculously low power processor server I've ever used (tried to use because it is useless). If I start loading software CPU usage goes to 100% and stays there no matter what. Of course, during that time I can not do anything on the server, just sit back and watch how additions are - and they will slow down, because your upload speed is well below average. I do not want to comment on rar / unrar speeds, or IDM "rebuilding" time - this is what I call boring waste time.
here I wanted to know if it was possible to go for the same price on a NL
KS NW100 To see if the servers are same .. I'm disappointed because
I put a ticket I can not even log

Ticket Created #700436

upload = 300ko
dowload= 1200ko

I have terminated your service , You will be refunded shortly.
All USA Windows VPS's are now available

Offer On KS UW100

HDD - 50 GB ( Offer - 100GB)
RAM - 512 MB
Connection - 1 Gbit
Location - USA.
Price - € 29.95 Only..

Excellent Upload speeds to Fileserve & Filesonic.

Order it Now !! Link

pm me for any quarries.
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