Kloxo Apache problem

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Kloxo/Cpanel Apache problem

I install kloxo latest version , but after configuring domain i get this : lots of apache process ?


i reboot vps , and site works 1 minute and crash , go to process window and again this (lots of opening processes) ,

so if anybody know the reason please say !!:)
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This is usually caused by a misconfigured httpd.conf virtual host.

Can you please login to ssh and run the command 'service httpd restart'

and let us know of any errors that come up after the command
login as: root
root@'s password:
Last login: Mon Apr 23 12:44:26 2012 from 95-178-131-148.dsl.optinet.hr
[root@server ~]# service httpd restart
Gracefully restarting httpd:

[root@server ~] #

nothing happend same again ?
If its not a issue with your conf then its a issue with the script that is running.

Sometimes php scripts cause zombie processes which you can only either find by monitoring mysql or looking into apache error log to see if anything is coming up.

Its pretty hard to figure out without server access
depends on the script and the httpd configuration.

like maxclients, max request per child, timeout, keepalive, keep alive timeout settings.. etc
and settings must be ? ..

PS: again today fresh reinstall complete vps , install kloxo and http crazy after add domain no one files uploaded !!!!

PSS: mail server and ftp work perfect
which script are you using? vb, wordpress, ipb ??
did you tried updating the kloxo?
or tried updating the apache version?
or switch to lighttpd maybe it will solve your problem.

the httpd settings depends accordingly. you may search the net for best configuration settings.. tweak them and use which suits you..
nothing is used ,vps is reinstaled to Centos 5, fresh install and add domain NO FILES , kloxo is latest version , for apache i dont sure is the latest version, when switch to lighthttp i cant start the djbdns & lighthttpd !!!!

kloxo instaled via ssh on centos 5 (32) , with this http://wiki.lxcenter.org/Kloxo+Installation+Guide

---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 PM ----------

wow..... i just install trial cpanel and same problem ???? is this problem of VPS or ?


nothing installed !!!!
yes , OS is reinstalled to fresh centos5, and installed cpanel

VPS work , mail server work, ftp work !!!!!

not overloaded !!!!

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try do the easyapache configuration , and do forceful cpanel update " scripts/upcp -f "

Still not resolved . try

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OS reinstallation itself should have resolved it .. Still you are getting this issue . Then contact cpanel.net .

Or else Better ask the VPS provider to rebuild the VPS for you . This really should resolve the issue ..
ok , thx , i dont wanna contact the cpanel tech. , i installed the trial cpanel for test only , i thinking maybe kloxo is problem ,but i see now something else is problem , i will ask host provider for rebuild the vps
i find the solution , downgrade the kloxo to lower version , and apache is ok !!!! dont know why , maybe latest version of apache have some bugs !!! same situation is with cpanel !!!!!!!



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