- Up to $12/1000 downloads or views

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i think kingfiles doing games with uploaders what is that we are real uploaders shit my account also gone i have threre 8$ how can i recived my money can u please explain it

THank you

This is not kingfiles, the database will be restored on a new domain name and all accounts and balances will be there. Please hold on a bit for our update.

you earn much money from Nitroflare + RapidRAR +

i think it's enough for you, don't be greedy and take money from a free filehost which hardly pay to their servers and allow free downloads for free users, they earn some little from ads
please don't be greedy !

We will add Payza this week.

Unfortunately we don't allow big amounts of space to be used for backup as we are a filesharing website. Or send us a PM with more info about the space you want to use and maybe we can work out something for you.
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