- Up to $12/1000 downloads or views

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kingfiles something weird is going on with download counts.Over the last 48 hours (48 hours from the time I edited this post) I've uploaded and posted 10 new files.Of those 10 files 6 of them show 0 downloads & thats not possible.
I checked to make sure the links are working fine.They are.
Then I asked a few friends to download them.After my friends downloaded them they still show 0 downloads.
I'm not going to risk anymore files until whatever is causing this is fixed.

username: pokikpal
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@ kingfiles

do u pay in paypal ?? ....i want to use kingfiles again.. but i want pp payment...

3 years back i've used kingfiles and received several payments from you...
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I checked your account and the system and everything seems to be working fine.

Please look at my individual file totals and tell me if you see 6 files with 0 downloads.Could you do that for me please?

I uploaded another file last night and it's showing 0 downloads too.
That's now 7 out of the last 11 files sowing 0 downloads.
Like I said earlier.In order to rule out the almost impossible chance no one downloaded any of those files I had a few friends download them and the files still show 0 downloads. Proving the downloads for those files aren't showing up.

I can't be the only person having this happen.Anyone?
Please look at my individual file totals and tell me if you see 6 files with 0 downloads.Could you do that for me please?

I uploaded another file last night and it's showing 0 downloads too.
That's now 7 out of the last 11 files sowing 0 downloads.
Like I said earlier.In order to rule out the almost impossible chance no one downloaded any of those files I had a few friends download them and the files still show 0 downloads. Proving the downloads for those files aren't showing up.

I can't be the only person having this happen.Anyone?

That is the exact problem I have too. If you go to "my reports" and click on the blue text in the download stats, it shows that the files are in fact being downloaded but never earning any money, and under "my files" it still says 0 download.
It's like some files I upload doesn't qualify for earnings.
did anybody read their PPD rates? LOL!
only United States, United Kingdom are countries where you prob. get downloads from but the rest...its an joke

  • Group A: United States, United Kingdom, Antigua and Barbuda, Angola, Algeria
  • Group B: Trinidad and Tobago, Tonga, Tokelau, Reunion, Qatar
  • Group C: Kazakhstan, Jordan, Jersey, Jamaica, Ivory Coast
  • Group D: Zimbabwe, Yemen, Vanuatu, Uzbekistan
  • Group E: Marshall Islands, Mali, Jordan
  • Group F: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Martin
  • Group G: Other

i wonder why the Vatican isnt in the 1.tier :cough:
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Warning !!!!!! This is not KingFiles !!!!!
All the old accounts from the system do not work as well as the lack of cash !!!!

That's right this is not kingfiles, the domain was stolen. We are restoring the databse under a new domain name and will update here shortly and edit the thread.
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