- Up to $12/1000 downloads or views

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I try to avoid the word scam at all costs but after waiting 5 months for 60 bucks on Skrill I think I'm entitled to shout...........SCAMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All Webmoney payments are almost on schedule - until morning they will all be on schedule.
We are still working for Skrill and Payza.

We are upset that the members who were complaining that they were not paid didn't confirmed that they received the payments.

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I try to avoid the word scam at all costs but after waiting 5 months for 60 bucks on Skrill I think I'm entitled to shout...........SCAMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

been visiting kinfiles thread a while now & i always saw this poor guy complaining about his skrill 60$ payout , i hope u get your payout buddy
5months is a very long period ( why don't u use wmz instead ? )
All Webmoney payments are almost on schedule - until morning they will all be on schedule.
We are still working for Skrill and Payza.

We are upset that the members who were complaining that they were not paid didn't confirmed that they received the payments.

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"We are still working for Skrill"

OK King, I will wait again. Sorry for the scam comment, I take it back. Would really like to start working with you again.

Thanks for the kind words brother. Webmoney, I'm unable to use them. As for the $60, it's not a lot of money I know, and I can earn more than that in one day with, but it's the principle of the thing, because some of the stuff I posted to earn that $60 I paid for myself and since then I've seen other posters re-post my stuff to and most likely getting sales from it. Getting the 60 bucks is more to appease my mental health than anything else! One thing is sure though...
If/when I get the money there's a Bud in it for you Blura (y)
We are upset that the members who were complaining that they were not paid didn't confirmed that they received the payments.

guess if you can paid within 5 days of request as you put it in the first page, or if not then come up with another payout schedule and stick to it, most would happily start working with your host again. right now you choose your time (close to 2 months from last request) to pay your affiliates, most would be more cautious, how we know you won't disappear permantly after we work with your host for more than 2 months with no payout in sight.
The stats may not work or work properly for a few days but no data is lost.
We are curently upgrading and once we finish we will update the stats too (no one will loose revenue).

We are trying to get all payments on schedule this month, but please try as much as possible to use Webmoney as payment option. We sent half of the payments around 2 weeks ago but we still have to pick up

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Kingsfiles,how long after you pay any money orders?

Added after 4 Days 12 Hours:

We are trying to get all payments on schedule this month, but please try as much as possible to use Webmoney as payment option. We sent half of the payments around 2 weeks ago but we still have to pick up

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Kingfiles,send payments user vlarkido :)
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We are trying to get all payments on schedule this month, but please try as much as possible to use Webmoney as payment option. We sent half of the payments around 2 weeks ago but we still have to pick up

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last day of this month, all payouts still pending. :whistling:
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