- Up to $12/1000 downloads or views

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if you increase the rate and count multi download , that will be the good filehost , we trusted you from the beganing and we working with you so please caie of us alittle we need to get good rate , we are working hard to ipload with your host and you know how it hard work we do and share , so if you give a reward for us by increase the rate will be good reward , just of for the tire of egyption coutry ,

so please care of us
first of all
are there still people who don't trust to kingfile's payment?
then , who else you can trust

king is indeed honest partner
they showed me in the last dozens and dozens of pay outs

yesterday ,in my routine shares ,I missed ONE item to put kingfile ,I uploaded it but I forgot to put kingfile in the post
after 2 hours I went there to put another release
I saw people are begging me to put kingfile , I realised what I did and I fixed it
I swear to my honour its exactly the truth
and you should know I gave them
bitshare freakshare and 9 more hosts , I missed only kingfile but they just wanted their king !!

People really like kingfile
their extra ordinary free speed and stability and ... make them indeed unique
hereby I want to appreciate for what they did for me in the last almost 40 pay outs ,
I even don't check the payouts anymore cuz I trust them
I always check with all my using hosts ,but not kingfile

I hope my huge daily downloads helps them to add more servers

the king knows my name ;)
Payza payments will be processed in the following days.

We are giving 1 months free premiums, but if after 1 month you will not be reaching ~1k downloads a day we will not be able to extend your premium.

We can do that too, but we will have to reduce the rates after that, so it will be same thing.

If your payment was rejected simply contact us and you will find the reason.
Many times the payments are rejected because we are not able to track where the downloads are coming from, so we reject the payment and we ask the uploader to send us his traffic sources.

Your account was upgraded to premium.

We know that you, uploaders, are doing a hard and painful work, but we are offering the highest rates possible at this moment.
If there will be any chances to increase the rates it will be our pleasure to do it.

As always we appreciate your kind words and the trust which you show to us :)
I replied to your e-mail.

Best Regards,
The King
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